Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/644

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either alone or between mates, coitus inter femora, sapphism, etc.?

Did you take personal part in these?—and if so, how early and how far?

Did your outward signs of coming sexual ripeness show themselves early in youth, as hirsuteness of the pubes, cheeks, lips, development of the genital organs, breasts, change of voice? Or were these signs late in childhood? (Uraniad: as to menses?)

When came to you your first bodily proof of the potency of your genital system (emissio seminis)?—a distinct pleasure in erectio or the like? Was this produced naturally or artificially? Was it diurnal or nocturnal? Was it frequently repeated?

As To General Physical Traits, Capacities, etc.

As far as you can now conclude, were you a distinctly beautiful child or youth (or young girl) in your bodily development, apart from your face?

What is now the general type of your build?—heavy or slight, muscular or not robust, fat or thin, tall or short ( for your sex) in stature?

Are your bones and joints large or small?

Are the lines of your bosom flat or curved, compared with the average model of your sex? Is your chest broad or narrow?

Are your shoulders bony and muscular?—or round and soft?—Is there a decided femininity of line to be traced between the base of the neck and the fall of the shoulder?

Are the general outlines of the upper arm, and of the lower also, more of a rounded, conical shape, than muscular and flat?

Is your wrist flat or round?

Are your hands conspicuously hairy or hairless, thick or thin, short or long, broad, or narrow, etc. In grasping anything, as also in handshaking and so on, is your grasp vigorous or relatively weak?

Are your fingers pointed or blunt?

Do you write a large or a small handwriting?

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