Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/654

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Do you find that pictures or sculptures exert a sexual effect on you?—causing secret desires, with any physical signs?

Do you think that the male or the female human figure in general is the more attractive, symmetrical, etc.

Have you literary tastes, or do you not care much for reading, as compared with other distractions and amusements? Have you practical talents for literature?

Do you prefer to read prose or poetry, history, biography, travel and other more solid literature? Or do you "like nothing so much as a good novel"? Does it strongly impress you, as you read such a book?

Does the theater deeply interest and affect you? If so, what sort of drama do you prefer?

Have you talent for acting yourself? If so, in what vein?

Would you be willing to say that you have marked imaginative powers, strong fancies, can enter vividly into lives of others, and so on?

Do you instinctively like, or by cultivation have you learned to like, brutal sports and spectacles?—such as prize-fights, bull-fights, a fierce foot-ball match, a dog-fight, and so on? Have you ever felt a certain sexual thrill rising, when watching any such scene, or a street-fight?—feeling sudden erectio etc.?

Have you a strong feeling for Nature, as distinct from art? For wild and solitary Nature, especially, and for impressive landscapes?

Have you ever felt under such or other circumstances the sense of being yourself a special, intimate part of wild Nature? a sort of tree, a beast, a bird, a torrent?

What sort of natural landscape do you most prefer—land or sea, wild or calm?

Do you like rural solitude, and to be by yourself now and then, or much of the time? In fact, is it a sort of demand of your nature?

Do you drive, ride, hunt, fence, box, play, tennis, billiards, or what other sport with most pleasure?

Are you fond of animals, wild and tame? Have you ever noticed what might seem to be a particular liking on their part, at first sight, for you?—a sort of "mutual understanding?"

Do you smoke, or care for strong drinks, for gambling? Do you instinctively use strong exclamations?

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