Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/93

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decadences, of a general decline of intellect, morals and virility in a people, though its worser characteristics are likely to coincide with that decadence.

The proportion of Uranians is largest in what can be called the "Philarrenic"—or male-loving—Zone, a belt of several races and populations, topographically reckoned together. The statistical proportion is still largest in the East. In Turkey, Persia, part of Arabia, and so on, there has been set a rate of one Uranid in 60; with this proportion made larger through the Oriental tendency toward bisexualism—or similisexualism in men not distinctly Uranian. In modern Italy, where dionian-uranians are peculiarly a type—in all classes racially, one may say—in Italy, the proportion has been set at one in sixty-five: but in Italy bisexualism of the erotic impulse, an instinctive liking for now the male now the female in the sexual act, is an important aspect. In Germany, it is put at something near to two per cent. In France, it is reckoned at less than one per cent. In England at one in the hundred, or less. In Austria at one in seventy; in Kussia at one in seventy-five to eighty (a low estimate); in Spain and the Spanish-settled countries, at one in sixty-five; and in the United States of North America at one in about eighty-five.

A physician, long busied with practice in neurotic diseases and sexual studies, a Bavarian, tells the writer that he has in his list of clients some "fifteen complete Uranians" that is to say, those who are wholly similisexual; also four who though heterosexual for most part of their impulses, nevertheless are "given to sexual relations with men also". An Italian consulting physician, a writer on neuropathology states to me that he has "more than a dozen" thorough Uranians among his clients, two of them married; but has traced bisexualism in constant recurrence. A German doctor who was himself uranistic, mentions knowing of one hundred similisexual men in

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