Page:Elizabeth Elstob - An English-Saxon homily on the birth-day of St. Gregory.djvu/108

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An Homily on the

piu)- jry^^an he papan- fince he took upon him th^ habunbeppeng.gemunb Popedome, called to mmd hjfxt he gepypn Gngel- what he formerly had cynne ^emynre ^ ^xji thouglit of, concerning the pihte 'f lupt:3'me peopc Englifb Nation, and finilhed jepjiemebe:- j^enaref- that moft beloved Work, hpon ne mihte ])one Ro- Neverthelefs he might not manij-can bij-ceop - jprol on anjr account be altoge- eallun^e popiietan :• Sc ther abftnt from the Roman he afenbe o'Spe x^^n-^ BilhopsSee. Whereupon he 6pacan. ge'Sunsene Do- fent other MefTengers , ap- Sej" {}eopa]' to })ipum ig- proved Servants of God, to lan5e. "i he j-ylp mic- this Illand, and he himfelf, clum mi6 hij- benum ^ by his manifold Prayers tihtmgum pylfte ^xx: and Exhortations, brought J>a^pa ' ^penbpaca bo- it to pafs, that the Preach- tunge pop^^enge T Do- ing of thefe MelTengers bt pa^ftm ba?pe pyp&e .. went abroad , and bore Da^pa ^pen&pacena na- Fruit to God. The Mef- man yynb j^uj- ^ecije- fengers were thus named : l)e,SgUft:mup Ocelli tup, ^ AHgitfttnus^ MeUitus^ Lan- ' ^penbpacena. C. H. ^ Auguflinm^ MetlHus^ Laurentm^ and J///?^, were afterwards al! of them Bilhops. Ai^gufl'we was firft Archbifhop of Canterbury^ ac- cording to the appointment of St. Gregory^ having received his Confe- cration, as will be (hewn hereafter, from the Archbifhop of Aries. He ordains MelUtus Bifhop of London^ and Jiifin^ of Rocheftcr. Lau- rent'ms fucceedcd Auguftwe in the Archbifhoprick, being ordained by him while he was yet alive ^ left after his Death, the Church, being yet tender and in its Infancy, might begin to be fhaken: according to the Example of St. Peter^ who having founded a Chriftian Church at Rome^ is faid to have confecrated St. Clement to be his SuccefTor. Laurentws fat in the Archiepifcopal See five Years^ He died the iii^