Page:Elizabeth Elstob - An English-Saxon homily on the birth-day of St. Gregory.djvu/110

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An Homily on the

J)uph ypelpc manna * ymbefppsBce. ac mib- calpc anpaebnej-p ^ pylme J>3epe p^an lupe ))ar onjunnenan ^nij ))uph Erober pukume jeppemma^. ^ pire ge ;^ eopep mebe on j>am ecum ebleane j-pa micle mape h%. fpa micelum j-pa je mape pop Dobej- pillan jpn- ca^ :• Cehyprumia^ eabmoblice on eallum J)in5um Kgurtnie J)o- ne ]>e pe eop to eal- bpe ^ej-erton :• jjit; iC <i

'wicked Men may difcourfe

  • ^ concerning it : But with all

" Stedfaftnels and Zeal, and " eamefl Affedion , by the ^' Grace of God, perfed the Work ye have begun , and be ye afTur'd, that the Re- " compence of your Eternal " Reward is fo much great'^ " er, by how much the great- " er Difficulties you have un- " dergone in fulfilling the " Will of God. ^ Be obedient '* with all Humility in all '^ things to Augujline^ whom

  • ^ we have fet over you to

" be your Abbot. It will be ^ He has here the Apoflolical Advice altogether in his Eye : Qhey them that have the Rule over you^ and fubmit your [elves : for they watch for your Souls^ as they that tnufl give account ^ that they may do it with Joy and not with Grief: for that U unprofitable for you. Heb. chap.xiii. v. 17. It agrees alfo with the feveral folema Obceftations and prelTing Injunftions of St. Ignatius. T^ c/7n<fx,oT6» nires<^'iX^^ ^^* ^ Hearl^en unto the Bifhop^ that God Qio^ v(ju!ff» Ayji-ivx^v ifco T alfo may hearl^en unto you. My

Z!rSdLojfi/uSpvco¥ T&I hmaKQ*7rcp , Soul b(^ fe(;urity fox them that fub*

^fia'Cvlie^t^:> J'lAKovQi^, ;^ /t>t«T' mit to their Bifhopj with their Fref* ULurZv i^ot TO i^icp^ 'f^uvoio ^eiv byters and Deacons : And may my iif Qia. Portion be together with theirs in Qod. Ignac. Ep. to Polycarp. And again in his Epiftle to the Magnefians : Be je united te yout Bifhop^ and thofe who prefide over you^ to he your Pattern and DireSian in the way to Immortality. The Epiftles of this Holy Father are faH o|f fuch Indances and Exhortations*