Page:Elizabeth Elstob - An English-Saxon homily on the birth-day of St. Gregory.djvu/114

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An Homily on the

pun^e })ij"ne jrcylbi^an Sufferings redeem'd this guil- mibban eap5e alyf&e 3 ty World, and to all that ^eleappullum mannum believe hath open'd an En- heopona picep inp^p trance into the Kingdom /geopono&e:- Da an&- of Heaven, Then King yyjib fe cyninj /6])el- JEthelbright anfwer'd An-^ bpiht; Kguj-tnie 3 cpx^. gufiine^ and faid, that thofe ^ he psegepe pojib "j be- were fair Words and Pro- hat; hirn cyb&e 3 cpa^^* mifes which he gave him : J)^t; he ne mihre ppa But that he could not fo fud- hpse&hce J)one ealban denly leave the antient Cu- Jepunan. J)e he mi5 25^n- ftoms which he and the Eng- ^elcynne heolb popla- Hp^ People had held. He ran :• Ep^^ -J he mopte faid, he might freely preach f peohce J)a heoponhcan the Heavenly Do£lrine to lape hip leo5e bobian 3 his People, and that he '} he hun 3 hip gepepum would allow Maintenance bi^leopan ])enian pol&e. to him and his Companions : T pop^eap him J>a pu- And gave him a Dwelling nunge on Cantpapa by- iw the City of Cdnterhmy^ pig peo ^'^'^ eallep hip pi- which was the iead City in cep heopob buph :• On- all his Kingdom, ^ Then gan j)a Suguptmup mib began Angufline with his hip munecum to ge-e- Monks to imitate the Life penlecanne jpxpa Kpo- of the Apoftles, with fre- poola Lp mi5 pmsalum quent Prayers, Watchings gebebum. ^ p^ccan. ;] andFaftingSj ferving God, pacptnum Dobe ])eopi- and preaching the Word genbe. *;) lipep popb ])am of Life with all Diligence j

  • geopenobe. C.H.
  • ■' See Ee(k Ecclefiafi. Hifi. lib. i. cup. z6. • . -