Page:Elizabeth Elstob - An English-Saxon homily on the birth-day of St. Gregory.djvu/116

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An Homily on the

Xpa rpa heoponlice cea- them as Men of a heaven^ rtep gepapan liipo&e :• ly Polity. Neverthelefs he NolOe j-e ))eah n^nne to would not force any one to Epifteiiboae ^eheaSian. receive Chriftianity, be- fop^San ^e he op axobe canfe he had found upon ar Jam lapeopam hy hx- enquiry .from theMinifters le. '^npijrtcf J>eop5om ne of his Salvation, that the ' fceol beon genea&ob. ac Service of C^r/j? ought not f yip pyllej-:- Ougunnon j>a to beforc'd, but voluntary, toglipamlice pop pel me- Then began very many nige epf tan to ^ehypen- daily to hearken to the Di- ne J)a hal^an bobunge. ^ vine Preaching, and leave poplsetan heopa h^^en- their Heathenifm , and to jfcype. T heo py Ipe ge^eob- join themfelves to Chriji b:

to Epiptep 5elaJ)unge Church, believing in him. 

on hme gelypenbe :• Be- In the mean time Augn- tpeox ])ipum gepen5e Su- jiine went over Sea to guptmup opep pas to ])am ° Etberius Archbifhop of Kpcebipceop Gthepium Arhs^ by whom he was ? op Kpela. ^ he hme ge- confecrated Archbifhop of ' pceal. C H. ' on apela. Junii manu.

    • For Etberm we fliould read Vhgilm^ who was thea Bidiop of

'Arks. Etheri^A was Bifhop oi Lyons, See Gregor.Turon. lib. lo. c. 8. (^ FredegaYm in Chronic, c. 22. This Miftake is taken from the Co^ piers of Bede^ Hift. Eccl. lib. i. c. 27. among which, are Radulp, dc t>icet, dbhrev, Cron. X. Script, p, 43(5. Job. Bromt. ibid. 730. W. Thorne^ ibid. ij6o, Gervas of Canterbury calls him EuletheriUs^ ibid. 16^0 but a!i thefe are correfted by the fo often mentioned Benedi^. of St. Maur. They are very nice in their Difquifirions, and the Reader is referred to them, in their moft beautiful Edition of the Works of Si.Gre^ory, Gervas of Canterbury is at a lofs for a Reafon, why Gregory fhould require Auguftine to go fo far as Arks to receive his Confecration j fince there ^ere fo many other Bifliops in France fo much