Page:Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008.djvu/48

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O:kiYOkiYO08C04.xml 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 48 eeives the veto message with respect to the joint resolution shall be disregarded in computing the 15-calendar day period de- scribed in subsection (a)(3), and (ii) debate on a veto message in the Senate under this section shall be 1 hour equally divided between the majority and minority leaders or their desig?mes. (5) RULES OF HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ?'4D SENATE. This subsection and subsections (e), (d), and (e) are enacted by Congress- (A) as an exercise of the rulemaking power of the Senate and House of Representatives, re- spectively, and as such it is deemed a part of the rules of each House, respectively, but appli- cable only with respect to the procedure to be followed in that House in the case of a joint resolution, and it supersedes other rules only to the extent that it is inconsistent with such rules; and (B) with fhll recognition of the constitu- tional right of either House to change the rules (so far as relating to the procedure of that House) at any time, in the same manner, and