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NO. 21 OF 2016

issue a claim referral certificate unless the employer fails to comply with the Minister’s direction.
(9) In this section, a specified employment dispute that is a subject of a tripartite mediation is unresolved if the dispute—
(a) is not settled; and
(b) is not withdrawn from being a subject of the tripartite mediation.”;
(m) by inserting, immediately after the word “seeking” in the section heading of section 30H, the words “and conduct of”;
(n) by deleting the words “an executive employee” in section 30I(1) and substituting the words “an employee”; and
(o) by deleting the words “the executive employee” in section 30I(1) and substituting the words “the employee is an executive employee who”.

Related amendment to Limited Liability Partnerships Act

40. Paragraph 76(4) of the Fifth Schedule to the Limited Liability Partnerships Act (Cap. 163A, 2006 Ed.) is amended by inserting, immediately after the words “by the Commissioner for Labour” in the definition of “retrenchment benefit”, the words “or by an Employment Claims Tribunal constituted under section 4 of the State Courts Act (Cap. 321)”.

Consequential and related amendments to Retirement and Re‑employment Act

41. The Retirement and Re‑employment Act (Cap. 274A, 2012 Ed.) is amended—

(a) by inserting, immediately before the definition of “collective agreement” in section 2(1), the following definitions:
“ “approved mediator” and “claim referral certificate” have the same meanings as in section 2(1) of the Employment Claims Act 2016;”;