Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 4.djvu/389

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Tables XVII. and XVIII. give various details regarding some important bridges of various construction and dimen sions.

Table XVI.—Cast-Iron Bridges.

Xo. Total Date of XAME OF Hi; IH;I:. of Sinn , Rise. Open- Ings. weight of Iron work. Cost. Com pletion. Ft. In. 1 Ft. In. Tons Coalbrookdak 1 100 6 500 37Si 1779 Buildwas . 1 130 l ,-, 1<4 6,034 1796 Sunderland Bridge 1 236 31 Oj 260 27.00C 1796 Laason Bridge 1 430 1794 Staines Bridge 1 180 160 ... ]802 Pont du Louvre ... 9 57 10 8 263 1803 Font d Austerlitz... 5 106 10 8 1806 St Denis 1 39 5 3 a 1808 Bristol Bridge 1 100 la (i 150 4,000 Craigellaehie Bridge 11500 20 C 8,20( Witham Bridge 1 86 5 Vauxhall Bridge.. 78 29 300,001 1816 c. .1 T i> i o U 240 24 Southwark bridge 3 < ., O ,Q Q . [j 5780 800.00C 1819 Tewkesbury Bridge 1 170 17 Gal ton Bridge 1 180 18

Table XVII.—Dimensions of Large Masonry Bridges.

Thickness. Flat Arc ics. Span in feet. Versinc - in feet. laxlmum !;u us in Of Of feet. Crown butincnt in feet. at base. Trezzo over Adda 251- 134 Dorlaston, Segment al 86 51 13-48 76-1 3-510 32-022 Trilport, Elliptical ... 80-38 27-69 4-462 19- Nantes ,, 115-16 34-41 89-5 6-397 28 Xeuilly ,, ... 127-89 31-95 160- 5-315 35- Waterloo ,, 120- 32- 112-5 4 5 40- London Bridge ,, ... 152- 29-6 4-75 Alrua (Beton) ,, 141-4 23-2 4-92 Grosvenor Bridge, ) Chester ] 200 42 143 4* 1

Table XVIII.—Dimensions and Cost of Large Bridges.

Maximum. Reputed Cost. Xame of Bridge. Ap- "& c Total Pei- Nature of Bridge. )rox. Span. 5 Foot Ight. M Amount. run. Ft. Ft. Ft. Britannia ... 125 460 1,511 601,865 398 ( Two lines Railway / tubular. Charing-cross 50 154 1,365 180,000 131 $ Four lines Railway I double Warren. Boync 90 264 550 140,000 25 1 ! I Four lines Railway | lattice. ( Two lines Railway Crumlin 200 150 1,800 39,000 21 lattice on open- work piers. ( One line Railway Craigellaehie 20 200 413 12,200 29-5 j lattice, and ( plate girder. Grand river) (Mauritius)) 130 12 620 30,000 50 One line Railway plate girder. ( Two lines Railway Deepdale 150? 60 740 20,266 27 lattice on open- f work piers. , ( Road cast and Westminster 20 120 1,160 235,000 202 < wrought iron ( arch, 83 feet wide. i Wire-rope Suspen- Fribourg 167 SOS 24,000 29 < sion Bridge roai only. ( Wire-rope Suspen- Niagara 245 SOS* 800 80,000 100 j sion Bridge road ( and railway. Laodore 75 110 1,760 25,720 1C-3 Wooden Trusses^

 * Platform

Index of Principal Subjects.

Abutment, definition of, Dredge s suspension Rupture, joint of, 309; 284; stability of, 324. bridge, 323. modulus of, 292. Anchorage of chain Elasticity, modulus of, Saddles of suspension bridges, 301. 287. bridges, 301. Arch, flexible model, SOT; Equilibrated polygon in Safety, factor of, 296. linear, 306; hinged at the arch, 306. Semi-members in frames, abutments, 823. Excavations for piers, 315. Arches, general descrip 326. Shearing stress, defini tion of, 305; stability Factor of safety, 296. tion of, 286; calcula of, 309 ; empirical for Fink Truss, 322, 339. tion of in beams, 2 J6; mula; for, 311; stone, Founding in water, 32.x strength of materials practical details of, Framed suspension to resist, 287. oil; comparison of bridges and arches, S te of piers and abut stone and metal, 312 ; 319. ments, 325. wooden, 315; metal, Frames, definition of, Skew arch, 311. practical details of, 315. 315; efiuilibriura of, Soffit, definition of, 305. Axial and non-axial stress 31G; rigid, 315. Spandrlls, definition of, compared, 287. Fratics Pontis, 330. 305. Bucking of arch, defini Girders, 283; design of, Specific gravity, table of, tion of, 305. 297; continuous, 299; 288. Beams, 2ti."> ; balance of probable weight of, Springing, definition of. external and internal 296. 305; curved for metal forces on, 289. Gordon s theory of rib, 314. Bending moment on strength of struts, 321. Statistics of actual beams, 290. Haunches of arch, defini bridges, 341. Bollman truss, 323. tion of, 305. Strength of materials to Bow s method of lettering Ilodgkinson s formula; resist crushing, 28fi ; reciprocal diagrams, for strength of pillars, to resist shearing, 287 ; 316. 322. to resist tension, 285; Bowstring girder, 318. Horizontal thrust of metal to resist a non-axial Caissons, 325. arch, 312; of stone strain, 387. Cast-iron beams, shape arch, 309. Stress, three classes of, of cross - section of, Inertia, moment of, 288. 285. 294. Joint of rupture, 309. Struts, failure of by bend Cast-iron bridges, cost of, Jointed arch, 323. ing, 286; strength of, 341; first introduction Joints in frames, defini 321. of, 33-1. tion of, 315; in wood, Substructure, 324; prac Centres used in building 287; load referred to, tical details of, 325. arches, 311. 315. Suspension bridges, 301 ; Chain, form of when Keystones, definition of, modifications of, 304; loaded, 301. 305. maximum span of, 30 j ; Classification of bridges, Links of suspension practical details of, 303 ; 285. bridges, 304. merits and defects of, Cofferdams, 325. Load, estimation of, 285. 304. Compound structures, Maxwell s theory of Temperature, effect of 822. framed arch, 319. change of in change of Compressed air used in Metal rib for arches, length, 289. sinking foundations, 312. Tensile strength of ma 327. Model arch with curved terials, 285. Concrete founding, 326. joir.ts, 307. Triger s method of sink Continuous girders, 209. Model beam, 289. ing cylinders for foun Cost of large bridges, 341 . Modulus of elasticity, 287; dations, 327. Cross-sections, values of of rupture, 292. Truss, weight of various moment of clastic forces Moment of elastic forces types of, 321. for various, 293 in beam, 291, 293. Tubular girder, Britannia Crushing, strength of Moment of inertia, 288. bridge, 335. materials to resist, 286. Neutral axis, 295. Voussoirs, definition of. Curve of bending mo Tiers, definition of, 284. 305 ; equilibrium of, ments, 292 ; its relation Tiles, cast-iron, 328; disc, 306. to the curve assumed 328 ; screw, 328 ; wood Warren girders, 317. by a loaded chain, en, 327. Weight of beam, method 302. Pillars, strength of, 321. of allowing for, 301. Definitions, 284. Quoins, definition of, Weight of materials, Deflection of beams, 297, 305. table of, 288. 298; graphic method Reciprocal figures, 316. Weight of road and rail for, 299. Redundant members in way girders, 297. Dimensions prescribed frames, 315. Wire ropes for suspension by law, 284. Ribs, design of, 314. bridges, 303.

Index of References to Bridges.

Alcantara, 329. Ispahan (Senderud), 332. Pont-y-tu-Prydd (Taffy Argenteuil, 327. Kehl (Rhine), 327. 333. Avignon (Rhone), 330. London, old (Thames), Portage, 327. Babylon (Euphrates), 328. 330. Rial to, 332. Blackfriars (Thames), London, new (Thames), Rimini, 329. 333. 334. St Chamas, 329. Brioude (Allier), 332. Loyang, China, 333. St Louis (Mississippi), 339 Britannia, 334. Lucca (Serchio), 330. Saintes, 331. C.Tsar s (Rhine), 329. Menai, 334. Salaro, 329. Charing Cross (Thames), Montreal, Victoria, 325, Saltash, 320. 326. 339. Schaffhausen, 323. Coalbrookdale (Severn), Narni, 329. Southwark (Thames), 334. Narses (Anio), 329. 334. Coblentz (Rhine), 339. Newark Dyke, 337. Tay, 340. Craigellaehie (Spey), 334. Newcastle, 337. Tecs, 334. Crovland, triangular, Niagara, 338. Trajan s (Danube,), 329. 331. Paris (Pont Neuf), 332. Ti ezzo (Adda), 331. Crumlin viaduct, 328, Pavia (Ticino), 331. Trinita (Arno), 332. 338. Peebles (Tweed), 334. Venice, Ilialto, 332. Florence, Trinita, 332. Pesth (Danube), 334. Victoria, Montreal, 32-S Fochcu, China, 333. Pons Sublicius (Tiber), 339. Fribourg, 3:J4. 328. Waterloo (Thames), 334. Oalashicls (Oala), 334. Pontes Milvius.Palatinus, Wcarmouth, 334. Guetin (Allier), 328. Fabricius, Cestius, Ja- Westminster, old, 333. Hammersmith (Thames), nlculanus, Vaticanus, Wittingen, 333. u34. ..Elius (Tiber), 329. York (Ouse), 332.

List of Tables.

I. Tensile strength of materials, 285. II., III. Ultimate strength to resist, crushing and shearing, 286, 287. IV. Modulus of elasticity, 2S7. V. Moment of inertia, 2SS. VI. Weight of different materials, 288. VIL Coefficient of linear expansion, 289. VIII. Modulus of rupture, 292. IX. Value of j for various cross-sections, 20". -X. Values of n and n { , 299. XL Stresses on members of Warren girder, 318. XII. Weights of trusses of different types. 321. XIII., XIV XV. Constants and values of B and n for the strength of struts and pillars 321, 322 XV L, XVIL, XVIII. Dimensions ;md cost of vari -us bridges, 341.

(f. j.)