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Athens, and in 1810 Hobhouse returned home. In the campaigns of 1813 and 1814 he accompanied the allied armies, and was present at the great battle of Dresden. In the winter of 1816-17 he rejoined Byron in Italy, and they visited Venice and Rome together. Hobhouse had been trained in the Liberal school of politics, and had written pamphlets and .re view articles in defence of liberal doctrines. He had by this time become what was then contemptuously called a "downright radical." In 1816 he published anonymously a work in two volumes entitled, The Sub stance of some Letters written by an English Gentleman Resident at Paris during the last Reign of the Emperor Napoleon. His aim in it was to correct certain misrepre sentations which were current of the events of the Hundred Days. The tone of the book gave great offence to the English Government ; and being translated into French was equally offensive to the Government of the Restoration. The French translator and printer were both prosecuted in 1819 for "atrocious libel" on the Government; and were sentenced to fine and imprisonment, the former for twelve months, the latter for six. On 1 3th December of the same year the speaker s warrant was issued for the arrest of Hobhoase, and he was committed to Newgate. He made an unsuccessful application to Chief-Justice Abbott (Lord Tenterden) for discharge by habeas corpus, and he was not liberated till about the end of February. The treatment which he had suffered gave him the prestige of a martyr to the dominant Toryism, and in the eyes of the multitude this was his glory. At the close of 1818 he had contested the borough of Westminster, Sir Francis Burdett desiring him as a colleague, and giving ,1000 towards the necessary expenses of his candidature. But he was beaten by his rival, George Lamb, the brother of Lord Melbourne. He now came forward again, and was returned by a large majority (1820). In the first session of parliament he pro duced a powerful impression, first by his severe speech on the suppression of a Liberal meeting at Oldham, and soon after by the vigorous support he gave to the bill for disfranchis ing the borough of Grampound. During the next twelve years he was the ardent and courageous advocate of all Liberal measures, among them, of the repeal of the Test and Corporation Acts, and of Catholic Emancipation. In August 1831 he succeeded to the baronetcy, and six months later was called to office as Secretary for War under the ministry of Earl Grey. In April 1833 he was named Chief- Secretary for Ireland, but lost his seat at the new election. In the following year he was returned M.I , for Nottingham. and received the appointment of Chief-Commissioner of Woods and Forests under Lord Melbourne. Retiring with the Liberal party in the autumn, he resumed office in April 1835 as President of the Board of Control, a post for which he was well qualified, and which he held till September 1841. He was recalled to the same office under the Russell Administration in 1846, and held it till 1852. Meanwhile he had lost his seat for Nottingham and had been returned for Harwich. In 1851 he was raised to the peerage, and from that time showed himself disposed to " rest and be thankful." He gradually ceased to take part in public affairs, and returned to the studies and literary enjoyments of his youth. Lord Broughton published a volume of Imitations and Translations from the Classics ; an account of his Journey through Albania and other Provinces of Turkey with Lord Byron ; and Historical Illustrations of the Fourth Canto of " Childe Harold." He was also a contributor to periodical literature. In 1828 he married Lady Julia Hay, youngest daughter of the Marquis of Tweeddale, by whom he had three daughters, but no son. His wife died many years before him. Lord Broughton died in London, June 3, 1869. As he left no male issue

his peerage became extinct.

BROUKHUSIUS, or Broekhuizen, Jan, a distinguished scholar, born in 1649 at Amsterdam, where his father was a clerk in the Admiralty. His father dying when he was very young, he was taken from literary pursuits, in which he had made great progress, and placed with an apothecary at Amsterdam, with whom he lived several years. Not liking this employment, he entered the army, and in 1674 was sent with his regiment to America, in the fleet under Admiral de Ruyter, but returned to Holland the same year. In 1678 he was sent to the garrison at Utrecht, where he contracted a friendship with the celebrated Grrevius ; and here he had the misfortune to be so deeply implicated in a duel, that, according to the laws of Holland, his life was forfeited. Gradvius, however, wrote immediately to Nicholas Heinsius, who obtained his pardon. Not long afterwards he became a captain of one of the companies then at Amsterdam ; and was thus enabled to pursue his studies at his leisure. His company being disbanded in 1697, he received a pension, upon which he retired to a country-house near Amsterdam, He died in 1707, aged fifty-eight.

As a classical scholar, he is distinguished by his editions of Pro- pertius and Tibullus, the former published in 1702, the latter in 1708. His Carmina were published at Utrecht, 1684, in 12mo ; and in a more handsome form by Van Hoogstraatten, Amsterdam, 1711, 4to. His Dutch poems were also published at Amsterdam, 1712, 8vo, by the same house, with a life prefixed.

BROUSSA, Brussa, or Brusa, in Turkish Bursa, a city of Asiatic Turkey, in the province of Anatolia, and capital of the sanjak of Khodavendkiar, is situated in a fertile valley, at the northern foot of Mount Olympus or Keshish Dagh, 57 miles S.S.E. of Constantinople. Its streets are narrow and dark, and its houses are for the most part built of wood ; but its numerous minarets give it a magnificent appearance from a distance, and the rich variety of colour ing that everywhere meets the eye has a very striking effect. It is abundantly supplied with water, which flows down the middle of many of the streets, and rises every here and there in beautiful fountains. On the top of a rock in the heart of the town stands the ancient citadel, the walls of which date from the!3th century, and are of Greek construc tion ; and on the west side is the Byzantine church of Elijah, which is now known as the Daud Monasteri mosque, and contains the tomb of Orkhan. The most important of the other mosques, the number of which is said to be upwards of 600, are Oglu Jami, or the mosque of the three sultans ; the Yeshil Jami, or the green mosque ; and Ghazi Unldar Jami, or the mosque of the conqueror. There are also in the town three Greek churches, one Armenian, and several synagogues. Many of its colleges, bazaars, and caravanserais are buildings of considerable importance, and bear comparison with those of Constantinople. Broussa is the seat of a provincial governor, of a mollah or judge, who ranks as third in the kingdom, and of a mufti or spiritual chief. The Greeks and Armenians have each an archbishop in the town. As a commercial city Broussa ranks with the most flourishing in the empire. The town of Gemlik at the head of Mudani Bay, from which it is about 20 miles distant, serves as its port. It manufactures carpets, tapestry, and various kinds of silk goods, the material for the latter being obtained from the mulberry- plantations of the neighbourhood. In 1862 there were no fewer than sixty silk factories belonging to Italians, French men, and Germans. About a mile and a half from the town are the famous baths of Broussa, which are fed by several mineral springs varying in temperature up to 184, and from a hill in the vicinity is obtained a good supply of meerschaum clay. The population of Broussa is variously estimated, by Mostras (Diet. Geog. de V Empire Ottoman, 1873) in 1863 at 70,000, by Dr C. Sandreczki in 1844 at 60,000, and bv Consul Sax at 40,000.