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XXX (71) XXX

AID A G Y (71 ) AGROSTOGRAPHIA, fignifles the hiftory or defcrip- AGYRTdE, in Grecian antiquity, a kind of ftrolling vagabonds, not unlike our modern gypfies. tion of graffes. AGRYPNIA, a term with phyficians for watching, or AHdETULLA, the trivial name of a fpecies of the coluber, belonging to the order of amphibia ferpentos. an inaptitude to deep. AGUALVA, in geography, the name of a river of See Coluber. Portugal, and of a town in the ifland of Tercera. AHALOTH. See Xylo-aloes. AGUAPECACA, in ornithology, a barbarous name of AHANIGER, in zoology. See Acus. a fpecies of the tetrao. See Tetrao. AHAUSEN, in geography, the fame with Ahuys. See AGUARA-QUIYA, in botany, a barbarous name of Ahuys. AHICCYATLI, in zoology, the Indian name of a ferthe folanum. SccSolanum. AGUARA-PONDA, in botany, a barbarous name of pent refembling the rattle-fnake, only it wants the rattles. See Coluber. a fpecies of the viola. See Viola. AGUARICO, a river of S. America,, which, arifing in AHMELLA, in botany. See Bide ns. the mountains of Cordeleras, falls into the river of AHOUAI, in botany, a fynonime, and alfo the trivial the Amazons. name of a fpecies of the cerbera. See Cerbera. AGUBER, a river of Africa, in the kingdom of Fez, AHRENSBOECK, a fortrefs of Holftein, on the road which lofes from Lubec to Kiel. x itfelf in the Beber. See Beber. AGUE, a general name for all kipds of periodical fe- AHUAS, a confiderable town and diftrid of Perlia, in vers. See Medicine, title. Of agues or intermit- the province of Khureftan or Chufiftan. tents. AHUN, a town of France, in the higher Marche, fiAGUE-/r?r, in botany. See Sassafras. tuated upon the river Creufe. AGUEPER.SE, a town of France, fituated in the Ly- AHUS, a town of Germany, in the bilhoprick of Munonnois, about fifteen miles north of Clermont. fter, capital of a confiderable diftrid. AGUER, the name of Santa-croix, before it fell into AHUYS, a fea-port town of Sweden, in the province the hands of the Portuguefe. of Gothland, fituated in 32. 14. E. long, and 56. o. AGUGLIA, a name ufed by fome. travellers for the o- N. lat. . belilks of Egypt. See Obelisk. AIA, the name of a fmall river of Italy, which falls inAGUIGAN, one of the Marian iflands. SccMarian to the Tiber, near the village Magliano. ijlands. AIAIA, in ornithology, a fpecies of the platalea, a •AGUILAR, a town of Spain, in the province of Na- bird of the order of grallae. See Platalea. varre, about twenty-four miles weft of Eftella. AJAJOUNI, the name given by the Turks to a town Aguilar Del Campo, a town of Old Caftile, with the of Lefler Afia, otherwife called Hagia. title of marquifate, about fifteen leagues north of the AJAN, or Ay an, the name of a large maritime councity of Burgos. of Africa, lying fouth wards of the mouth of the AGUE, in botany, a fynonime of the hedyfarum. See try Red-fea, the natives of which are white. Hedy sarum. AJANTIA, an annual -feftival celebrated AGURAH, in Jewifh antiquity, the name of a filver in the iflandinofantiquity, Salamis in honour of Ajax. coin, otherwife called gerah, and kejhita. AJASALOUE, the modern name by which the Turks AGURANDE, a fortified town of France, in the call Ephefus. _See Ephesus. country of Berry, about four leagues fouth of Char- AJAX, in Grecian antiquity, a kind of dance reprefenttres. ing the madnefs of Ajax after his defeat by Ulyfles. AGUSADURA, Agusage, incur old cuftoms, acer- AJAZZO, name of two towns, the one in the ifland tain fee paid by vafials to their lord, for the Iharpen- of Corfica;the and the other in Leffer Afia, about fifty ing of their plough-tackle. miles weft of Aleppo. AGUTI, in zoology, the trivial name of a fpecies of AICHMALOTARCHA. See the article AEchmalothe moufe, belonging to the mammalia glires of Lin- tarcha.• nams. See Mus. AICHSTAT, a city of Germany in the circle of FranAGUTI-GUEPA, in botany. See Sagittarium. conia, about fourteen miles N. W. of Ingolftat. Aguti-treva, in botany, a barbarous name of afpecies AID, in a general fenfe, denotes any kind of alfiftance of the citrus. See Citrus. given by one perfon to another. AGUTIGVEPO-OBI, in botany, a fynonime of the Aid, ovAyde, in law, denotes a petition made in court thalia. See Thalia. help from another perfon who has intereft in AGUZ, a river of Africa, in the empire of Morocco, toland,callorin any other thing contefted. and province of Duquela. in military affairs, an officer employed to AGWANA, a kingdom of Africa, upon the golden Aio-de-campp receive and carry the orders of a general. coaft, lying northwards of Aquemboe. Aio-major, the French term for an adjutant. See the AGYEI, in antiquity, a kind of obehlks, facred to A- article Adjutant. pollo, erected in the veftibles of houfes, by way of Aid, auxiliutn, in ancient cuftoms, a fubfidy paid by fecurity. to their lord on certain occafions. AGYNIANI, in church-hiftory, a fed of heretics who vaffals Such were the aid of relief, paid upon the death of condemned all carnal commerce with women. the Lord Mefne to his heir; the a;d che-ja!, or capital