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XXX (76) XXX

ALB ( 76 ) . A L C white Colour appears like that of perfons affefted with ALBURN, the Englifh name of a compound colour, with a leprofy. being a mixture of white and red, or reddifii brown. ALBION, the ancient name of Britain. See Britain. ALBURNUM, that part of the wood which is next the Nsw Albion, a name given by Sir Francis Drake to bark of trees. California. See California. ALBURNUS, in ichthyology, the trivial name of a ALBLASSERWAERT, a diftrid of South Holland, fpecies of the Cyprinus. See Cyprinus. lying eaftward of Dort, between the rivers Meufe and Alburnus lacujlris, an obfolete name of the cyprinus Leek. bailerus. See Cyprinus. ALBOGALERUS, in Roman antiquity, a white cap ALBUS pifeis, an obfolete name of the cyprinus griflaworn by the flamen dialis, on the top of which was an gine. See Cyprinus. ornament of olive branches. ALBY, or Alb 1, a city of France in the province of ALBONA, Albono, or AlboGna, a river of Italy Languedoc, fituated in 0.40. E. long, and 43. 50. in the dutchy of Milan, which waters the Novarefe N. lat. hnd dillrid of Laumello. ALCA, in ornithology, a genus of the order of anALBORAK, amongft the Mahometan writers, the heart feres. The beak of this genus is without teeth, on which Mahomet rode, in his journeys to heaven. Ihort, convex, comprefled, and frequently furrowed ALBORAN, a fmall ifiand of Africa, lying on the tranfverfely; the inferior mandible is gibbous near coaft of the kingdom of Fez. the bafe; the feet have generally three toes. The ALBOURG, or Albl’RG, a fea-port town of N. Jut- fpecies of the alca are fix. 1. The tordo, or raland, in the kingdom of Denmark. zor-bill, with four furrows oil the bill, and a white ALBRET, or Albrit, a fmall town of France, in line on each fide running from the bill to the eyes. the province of Gafcony, about thirty-five miles S. of Great numbers of them hatch together in the caverns Bourdeaux. of rocks, and lay but one egg at a time. a. Th* ALBUCA, in botany, a genus of the hexandria mono- impennis, or northern penguin, with a comprefied gynia ciafs. There are only two fpecies of this plant, bill furrowed On each fide, and an oval fpot on each viz. the major, with lanceolated leaves; and minor, fide of the eyes. 3. The ar&ica, Or puffin, with a with fubulated leaves; both natives of the Cape of comprefied bill and four furrows; the orbit of the eyes and temples are white. 4. The lomvia, or feaGood Hope. ALBUCUS, in botany, an obfolete name of a fp'ecies hen, with a fmooth oblong bill, and the upper mandiof afphodelus. ble yellow on the edges. 5. The grylle, or GreenALBUGINEA tunica, in anatomy, the third or inner- land dove, with a fmooth fubulated bill, and a large mort coat or covering of the teftes; it is likewife the white fpot on the belly and wings; the feet are red. name given to one of the coats of the eye. See Ana- 6. The alle, or black and white diver, with a fmooth tomy, Part VI. conical bill, a white ftreak on the belly and wings, ALBUGINEUS, in anatomy, a term fometimes applied and black feet. All the fpecies of this genus frequent the northern ffiores of Europe. to the aqueous humour of the eye. ALBUGO, in medicine, a diftemper occafioned by a ALCACER de Sal, or Alcarez, a town of Portugal white opaque fpot growing on the cornea of the eye, in the province of Eftremaduia, about forty-five miles fouth-eaft of Lifbon; 9.0. W. long. 38. 30. N. lat* and obftruding vifion. ALBULA, in ichthyology, the trivial name of a fpecies ALCAICS, in ancient poetry, a denomination given to feveral kinds of verfe, from the inventor Alcseus. ofthefalmo. See Salmo. Albula indica, in ichthyology, an obfolete name of ALCAID, Alcayde, or Alcalde, in the polity of the Moors, Spaniards, and Portuguefe, a magiftrate, or of the falmo bimaculatus. See Salmo. ALBUM, in antiquity, a kind of table, or regifter, ficer of juftice, anfwering nearly to the French provort, wherein the names of certain magirtrates, public tranf- and die Britiffi juftice of peace.—The alcaid among aefions, <bc. were entered. Of thefe there were va- the Moors is verted with fupreme jurifdiftion, both rious forts; as the album fenatorum, album judicum, in civil and criminal cafes. album prtetoris. See. ALCALA de Guadiara, a town of Spain in the proAlbum. See Albumen, Ceruss. vince of Andalufia, about fix miles S. of Seville. Album grcecum, among phyficians, the white dung of Alcala de Her.ares, a town of Spain, in the province dogs, formerly preferibed for inflammations of the of New Caftile, about fixteen miles E. of Madrid. throat, 'be. but now jullly defpifed. Ai.csLi.fii de Real, a city of Spain, in the province of Album nigrum, a term for mice-dung. Andalufia, about fifteen miles north-weft of the city of Album oculi, the white of the eye. See Albuginea, Granada. Adnata. ALCALY. See Alkali. ALBUMEN, among phyficians, the white of an egg. ALCANITZ, a fmall town of Spain, in the kingdom See Egg. of Arragon, fituated on the river Guadaloupe. ALBUQUERQUE, a city of Spain, in the kingdom ALCANNA, in commerce, a powder prepared from of Leon and province of Eftremadura, fifuated on the leaves of the Egyptian privet, in which the peothe frontiers of Portugal, 7. <5. W. long. 30. o. ple of Cairo drive a confiderable trade. It is much ufed N. lat. by the Turkilh women, to give a golden colourtheirto