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XXX (144) XXX

ANA ( 144 ) ANA rope. 27. The querquedula, or firft teal of Aldro- cumflance it has received its name. See plate XII. fig. vandus, has a green fpot on the wings, and a white 3. 38. The fuligula, or tufted-duck of Ray, has a line above the eyes. It frequents the frefh waters of hanging crefl:, a black body, and the wings and belEurope. 28. Tiie crecca, or common teal, has a ly fpotted with white. It is a native of Europe. The green fpot on the wings, and a white line both above male of this fpecies difappears during the incubation and below the eyes. It frequents the freih waters of of the female. Europe. This fpecies is to be met with in Dudding- Anas eampejiris, in ornithology. SccTetrao. Iton-loch, a freih-water lake, within a mile of Edin- ANASCAPTA, among phyficians. See Ana. burgh. 29. The hiftrionica, or duiky-fpotted duck ANASARCA, in medicine, a fpecies of dropfy, in of Edwards, is of a brown colour, variegated with which the fltin is puffed up and fwelled, and the imwhite and blue; has a double line on the ears and preflion of the fingers remain, for fome time, in the temples ; the collar is white, and there is a white part to which they are applied, but principally in the ftreak on the neck. It is a native of America. legs. See Medicine, title, Dropfy. 90. The minuta, or little brown and white duck of ANASSA, or Anas sis, in botany, a fynonime of a Edwards, is of a greyifli colour, wl!h white ears, and fpecies of bromelia. See Bromelia. the prime leathers of the wings blackifll. It is a na- ANASTALTICS, in pharmacy. See Styptics. tive of Canada. 31. The circia, or fummer-teal of ANASTASIS, a term among ancient phyficians, for a Ray, with the wings variegated with white fpots, a rifing up to go to ftool. It alfo fignifies the paflage of white line above the eyes, and the beak and feet of an any humour, when expelled from one part, and oblialh-colour. It frequents the lakes of Europe. 32. ged to remove to another. The autumnalis, or red-billed whirling duck of Ed- ANASTATIC A, or rofe of Jericho, in botany, a gemrs wards, is of a grey colour, with the prime feathers of of the tetradynamia filiculofa clafs. The flower conthe wings, the tail, and belly black; and the area of fifls of four roundifli petals, difpofed in the form of a the wings yellow and white. It is a native of Artie- crofs ; the feed is a fhort bilocular pod, containing in rica, 33. The bofchas, or common wild-duck of each cell a Angle roundifh feed. There are two fpecies Ray; the intermediate tail-feathers of the drake are of the anaftanca, viz. the hierodruntica, a native of turned backward, and the bill is llrait. It frequents the fandy parts of Paleftine, and the (bores of the the lakes of Europe. This duck feeds upon frogs and Red-fea; and the Syriaca, a native of Syria. feveral forts of infedls.—The wild duck builds its nelt ANASTOCCHICGSIS, fignifies a refolution of the foamong ruihes or heath, near the water, and lays 12 or lids and fluids. 14 eggs;. At moulting-time, when they cannot fly, 'ANASTOMASIS, or Anastomosis, in anatomy, the great numbers of them are taken with nets. Birds opening of the mouths cf vdfels, in order to difwith flat bills, that And their food by groping, have charge their contained fluids. It is likewife ufed for three pair of nerves that extend to the end of. their the communication of two veflels at their extremities; btlls: thefe nerves are remarkably confpicuous in the as the inofculation of a vein with a vein, of an artery head 'and bill of the wild-duck; and are larger than with an artery, or of an artery with a vein. thofe of a goofe, or any other bird yet known : This is ANASTOMATICS, medicines fuppofed to have the the reafon they grope for food more than any other bird power of .opening the mouths of the veflels, and prowhatever.—34. The adunca, or hook-billed doraeftic moting the circulation; fuch as deobfthuent, cathartic, duck of Ray, has the fame characters with the bofchas, and fudofific medicines. excepting that the bill is croaked. 3 5. The galericulata, ANASTROPHE, in rhetoric, denotes the inverfion of or Chinefe teal of Edwards, has a hatfging creft; and the natural order of words. on the hinder part of the back, on both fides, there is ANATHEMA, among ecclefiaftical writers, imports a crooked, flat, elevated feather; the creft is green and whatever is fet apart, feparated, or divided; but is red; and the back is brown, and fpotted with blue; moft ufually meant to exprefs the cutting off a perfon the erect feathers on the back are red and blunt; one from the privileges of fociety, and communion with edge of the inmort wing-feather, when the wings are the faithful. ilrut, is raifed over the back, and is red, and like a The anathema differs from excommunication in the flekle before. It is a native of China. 36. The circumftances of being attended with curfes and exefpsofa, or fummer-duck of Catefby, has a depending crations, It was prahlifed in the primitive church agreen creft, variegated with blue and white ; the back gainft notorious offenders; and the form of that proislikewife variegated with blue and white; the breafi nounced by Synecius againft one Andronicus, 15 as folis grey, and fpotted with white; and the throat is lows : “ Let no church of God be open to Androwhite. It is a native of N. America. 37. The ar- “ nicus, but let every fandtuary be (hut againft him. borea, or black-billed whiflling-duck of Edwards, is “ I admonifh both private men and magiftrates, neiof a reddifli bro wn colour, with a fort of crefl on the “ ther to receive him under their roof, nor to their head; the belly is fpotted with black and white. It “ table; andpriefts more efpecially, that they neither is a native of America. Sloane informs us, that this v/ith him living, nor attend his fun:ral duck perches on trees; that it is about 20 inches long, ““ tonverfe when dead.” from the end of the bill to the point of the tail; that Several councils have pronounced anathemas ait makes a kind of whUilfng noife, from which cir- gainft fuch as theyalfothought corrupted the purity of the