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XXX (204) XXX

Before it {ides out of the abdomen, it unites with the iliacus, and is fometimes fixed, by a few flefhy fibres, in the outfde of the eminence fall mentioned. It afterwards coders the fore-fide of the head of the os femoris, and is inferred in the fore-part of the little trochanter by an oblique tendon, which is folded double from behind forward. ILIACUS. This is a broad thick mufcle, lying on the whole infide of the os ilium. It is fixed by flefhy fibres to the internal labium of the crifta oflis ilium, to that of the flope between the two anterior fpines, to the infides of thefe fpines, to the fuperior half of the infide of this bone, and to the neighbouring lateral part of the-os facrum. All thefe fibres, contra<5ling by degrees, run obliquely towards the lower part of the mufculus pfoas, uniting therewith, and being fixed by a kind of aponeurofis to the outfide of its tendon all the way to the little trochanter. They cover the head of the os femoris, and feme of the lowed are inferred in that bone a little above and behind the little trochanter, and others a little lower down. The iliacus and pfoas, thus united, pafs under the ligamentum Fallopii, over the flope or channel, between the anterior inferior fpine of the-os ilium and eminentia ilio-pe&inea, in a fort of iigamentary capfula very fmooth and polifhed. P E C T I N E U S. This is a frhall, flat, and pretty long mufcle, broad at the upper part, and narrow at the lower, fituated obliquely between the Os pubis and upper part of the os femoris. It is fixed above by flefhy fibres to all the fliarp ridge or crifta of the os pubis, and to a fmall part of the oblong notch or depreflion on the forefide of that crifta, in which the upper extremity of this mufcle is lodged. From thence it runs down obliquely towards the little' trochanter, under and a little behind which, it is inferred obliquely by a flat tendon, between the fuperior infertion of the vaftus internus, and inferior infertion of the triceps fecundus, with which it is united. GLUTjEU smaximu s. This is a thick broad mufcle, lying on the outfide of the os ilium and upper part of the os femoris. It is fixed wholly flefhy to all the lateral pofterior parts of the os coccygis and os facrum; to the ligamentum facro-fciaticum; to the outfide of the tuberofity of the os ilium; and from thence to the external labium of the crifta cf that bone all the way to its higheft part, where this mufcle mixes fibres with the glutams medius. It is likewife fixed to the infide of the fafeia lata, at, the places which anfwer to all the infertions already mentioned, but through a much greater fpace, and by a

O M y. Part II. very great number of flefhy fibres, almoft in the fame manner as we fliall fee in the external plane of the mufculus temporalis. The fibres which end in this fafeia become gradually ftiorter, as they are fituated lower. All thefe fibres contradt in breadth in a radiated manner as they approach to the great trochanter, and afterwards form a ftrong, flat, pretty broad tendon, about an inch in length, which is inferred a finger’s breadth or a little more below the great trochanter, in all that large longitudinal impreffion at the upper part of the linea afpera on the back-fide of the os femoris, between the vaftus ext^rnus and largeft portion of the triceps. GLUT 7E US MEDIUS. This is a radiated mufcle, almoft in the lhape of a fpread fan. It is pretty thick, and almoft as broad as the whole outfide of the os ilium, being fituated between. the crifta of that bone and the great trochanter, and covered anteriorly by the fafeia lata, and pofteriorly by the glutseus maximus. It is fixed above by flefliy fibres to all that fpace on the cutfide of the os ilium, which lies between the external labium of the crifta, and the femicircular impreflion which goes between the fuperior anterior fpine, and the great pofterior finus. It is likewife fixed in the edge of that ligament which goes between the lower part of the os facrum and os ilium. Laftly, the imffer part of it, which is covered only by the fafeia lata, is inferted in the infide of that fafeia in the fame manner as the glutasus maximus. From thence all the fibres contrail: in breadth, more Of lefs, in a radiated manner, as they advance toward the great trochanter, and form a fliort thick tendon, which mixes a little anteriorly with the tendon of the glutasus minimus ; and the moft pofterior fibres gradually join the fide of the tendon of the pyriformis. The tendon is inferted in the upper convex part of the great trochanter, from the apex of the large fuperior external rough furface, all the way to the anterior rough furface, encompafling in a manner all that part of the trochanter. GLUTEUS MINIMUS. This is a fmall, broad, radiated mufcle, fituated on the outfide of the os ilium, under the other two glutaei. It is fixed above in all that portion of the outfide of the os ilium, which lies between the great femicircular line, and another fmall one, a little above the. fupercilium of the cotyloid cavity or acetabulum, running between the anterior inferior fpine and the great potlerior finus. It is" likewife fixed in the edge of that finus, in the fpine of the ifehium, and in the orbicular ligament of the joint of the hip. From thence its fibres, contrafting in breadth, form a fliort tendon, by which the mufcle is inferted in the anterior part of the upper edge of the great trochanter, above the great external convex rough furface in which the glutaeus medius is fixed. TRICEPS