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XXX (211) XXX

2 11 ANATOMY. Part II. It is fixed pofteriorly in the lower parts of the fecond, third, and fourth metatarfal bones, near their bafis; in FLEXOR DIGITORUM LONGUS the ligament belonging to the firft and fecond of thefe ftve PERFORANS PEDIS. bones; in the neighbouring ligaments belonging to the This is along mufcle, flelhy above, and tendinous bones of the tarfus ;. and, laftly, in a lateral aponeurofis below, lying on the backfide of the leg between the tibia of the mufcle commonly called hypethenar. .pollicis longus, covered by.the foleus, and All thefe portions, contra&ing into a fmall compafs, are and the flexor the tibialis pofticus. inferred in the butfide of the external fefamoid bone, and covering It is fixed above, by flelhy fibres, to a little more than of the firll phalanx of the great toe. the middle third part of the backfide of the tibia near its angle, below the infertion of the foleus; and EXTENSOR DIGITORUM LONGUS. external alfo to a kind of ligament which runs down from the middle of the tibia. It afterwards ends in a tendon This is a long mufcle, flefhy in the upper part, and which pafles behind the inner ankle, on one fide, and a tendinous in the lower, lying between the tibialis anticus little behind the tibialis pofticus, in a feparate annular liand peronasus maximus. It is fixed above, by flelhy fibres, in the outfide of the gament. From thence it runs under the foie of.the foot, fendhead of the tibia, and infide of the head of the fibula; ing off a detachment, it communicates with, in the upper part of the interofleous ligament, through the flexor pollicis which it is divided into four three fourths of the length of the fibula; and through fmall flat tendons, which goThere to the phalanges of the fame fpace, in the tendinous feptum belonging to the the four fmall toes in the fame manner,third as the perforans, anterior angle of that bone. of the hand. It contracts in breadth a little above the annular ligament, and, in paffing through it, is divided into three FLEXOR DIGITORUM ACCESSORIUS. tendons; the firft of which is afterwards divided into two. Thefe four tendons are inferted along the upper This is a flat and pretty long flelhy mafs, fituated or convex lide of the.four fmall toes. obliquely under the foie of the foot. This mufcle is fixed pofteriorly by one flelhy portion, EXTENSOR DIGITORUM BREVIS. in the lower fide of the ps calcis, and in the anterior tuberofity on that fide, and by the other in the neighbourThis is a fmall complex mufcle, lying obliquely on ligament which joins this bone to the aftragalus. the convex fide of the foot, being likewife termed pe- ingFrom thence the two portions run obliquely to the' dieus . middle of the foie of the foot, and there unite in a flat,! It is fixed in the upper and outer fide of the anterior and irregularly fquare mufcular mafs, which is fixapophyfis of the aftragalus, and in the neighbouring part long, ed to the outer edge of the fafciculus of tendons of the of the upper fide of that bone. From thence it runs obliquely from without inwards, under the tendons of flexor longus, to which it ferves as a frasnum at than the perbnasus minimus and extenfor digitorum longus, place. being divided into four flelhy portions, which terminate L U MB RI GALES. in the fame number of tendons. The firft tendon is inferted in the upper or convex part These are four fmall mufcles, fituated more or lels^ of the firft phalanx of the great toe. The other three longitudinally under the foie of the foot. joining with thofe of the extenfor longus, are inferted a- They are fixed their flelhy extremities to the four long the convex fides of all the phalanges of the three tendons of the flexorby digitorum longus near the infertion following toes. of the flexor acceflbrius. The firft mufcle is fixed to the infide of the firft tendon

the fecond to the tendiFLEXOR- DIGTTORUM BREVIS nous fork formed by the two firft tendons

the third,, to

ftve PERFORATUS PEDIS. the tendinous fork made by the fecond and third tendons ; the fourth, in the fame manner to the third and This is the undermoft of all the common mufcles of and tendons, but commonly moft to the third. the toes, being fituated immediately above the aponeuro- fourth From thence thefe four muicles run to the toes, and fis plantaris. there terminate number of fmall tendons, It is fixed by flelhy fibres to the anterior and lower which are infertedin inthethefame firft phalanges of the toes, much part of the great tuberofity of the os calcis; and to the after the fame manner as in the hand. neighbouring part of the upper fide oi; the aponcurofis plantaris. From thence it runs forward, being divided into four TRANS VERS ALIS DIGITORUM. flelhy portions, which terminate in the fame number of This is a final! mufcle, which lies tracfverfely under tendons, fpiit at their extremities, in the fame manner as the bafis of the firft phalanges, and which at firft fight thofe of the fublimis or perforatus of the hand, and in- appears to be a fimple mufcular body fixed by one end ta ferted in the fecond phalanges cf the four fmall toes. the great toe, and by the other to the little toe. When