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XXX (225) XXX


Part II.

EXPLANATION Fig. i. The Muscles immediately under the common teguments on the pofterior part of the body are reprefented in the right fide;—and on the left fide the Muscles are feen which come in view when the exterior ones are taken away. Head.—A A, Occipito-frontalis. B, Attollens aurem. C, Part of the orbicularis palpebrarum. D, Maffeter. E, Pterygoidaeus internus. Trunk.—Right fide. F F F, Trapezius feu cucullaris. G G G G, Latiffimus dorfi. H, Part of the obliquus externus abdominis. Trunk.—Left fide. I, Splenius. K, Part of the complexus. L, Levator fcapulse. M, Rhomboides. N N, Serratus pofticus inferior. O, Part of the longillimus dorfi. P, Part of the facro-lumbaris. Part of the fepni-fpinalis dorfi. R, Part of the ferratus anticus major. S, Part of the obliquus internus abdominis. Superior ExTREMiTY.-»-Right fide. T, Deltoides. U, Triceps extenfor cubiti. V. Supinator longus. W W, Extenfores carpi radialis longior & brevior. XX, Extenfor carpi ulnaris. Y Y, Extenfor digitorum communis. Z, Abduftor indicis 123, Extejifores pollicis. Superior Extremity.—Left fide, a, Suprafpinatus. b, Infra-fpinatus. c, Teres minor, d, Teres major, e. Triceps extenfor cubiti. f f, Extenfores carpi radialis. g, Supinator brevis, h. Indicator. 123, Extenfores pollicis. i, Abduftor minimi digiti. k, Interolfei. Inferior Extremity.—Right fide. 1, Glutseus maximus. m. Part of the glutseus medius. n, Fafcialis. o, Gracilis, p p. Adductor femoris magnus. q. Part of the vaftus internus. r, Semimembranofus. s, Semitendinofus. t. Long head of the biceps flexor cruris, u u, Gaftrocnemius externus feu gemellus, v, Tendo Achillis. w, Soleus feu gaftrocnemius internus. x x, PeroiMeus longus & brevis, y, Tendons of the flexor digitoram longus ;—and under them

  • flexor digitorum brevis, z, AbduAor minimi digiti.

Inferior Extremity.—Left fide. m, n, 0, P P> <!> ri ft t, v, ao w, x x, _y, z. Point the fame PAR OF




of PLATE XVI. parts as in the right fide, a, Pyriformis. b b, Gemini. c c. Obturator internus. d, Quadratus femomoris. e, Coccygaeus. f, The fhort liead of the biceps flexor cruris, g g, Plantaris. h, Poplitaeus. i. Flexor pollicis longus. Fig. 2. The palm of the left hand after the common teguments are removed, to fhew the Muscles of the fingers. a, Tendon of the flexor carpi radialis. b, Tendon pf the flexor carpi ulnaris. c, Tendons of the flexores digitorum. d, Abdudtor pollicis. e e, Flexor pollicis longus. f. Flexor pollicis brevis, g, Palmaris brevis, h, Abdudtor minimi digiti. i, Ligamentum carpi annulare, k, A probe put under the tendons of the flexor digitorum fublimis; which are perforated by 1, the flexor digitorum profundus, m m m m, Lumbricales. n, Addudor pollicis. Fig. 3. A fore-view of the foot and tendons of the flexores digitorum. a. Cut extremity of the tendo Achillis. b. Upper part of the aftragalus, c. Os calcis. d. Tendon of the tibialis anticus. e. Tendon of the extenfor pollicis longus. f, Tendon of the peronaeus brevis, g. Tendons of the flexor digitorum longus, with the nonus Vefalii. h h, The whole of the flexor digitorum brevis. Fig. 4. Muscles of the Anus. a a, An outline of the buttocks, and upper part of the thighs, b, The teftes contained in the fcrotum. c c, Sphindter ani. d, Anus. e, Levator ani. f f, Ereftor penis, g g. Accelerator urinas. h. Corpus cavernofum urethrae. Fig. 5. Muscles of the Penis. ,a a, b, d, e e, f f, h, point the fame as in fig. 4. c, Sphindter internus ani. g g, Tranfverfus perinsei. T


A R T E R I E S.

heart throws the blood into two great arteries; The aorta diftributes the blood to all the parts of the 1 one of which is named aorta, the other arteria body, for the nourifhment of the parts, and for the fecretion of different fluids. pulmonalis. The ^Vol. I. No. 10. 3L 3