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XXX (232) XXX

Part III. 2g2 A N A T O M Y. the radius, fupplyhg the flexors of the thumb and pro- hand, and is afterwards diftributed both ways ; communator quadratus. nicating with the other arteries of the fame name, which Having reached the extremity of the radius, it runs come from the intercoftales and mammari®. The left nearer the fkin, efpecialiy toward the anterior edge of branch fends rami to the fuperior orifice of the ftomacb, the'hmne, being the artery which we feei there when we and to the glandula renalis on the fame fide; the right examine the pulfe. furnilhes the pylorus, and the renal gland on the right At the end of the radius, it gives off a branch to the fide. thenar; and. after having communicated with the arch Immediately after this, the c®liaca gives off a confiof the cubital artery in the palm of the hand, and fet derable branch, named arteria ventriculi coronaria, and off fome cutaneous branches at that place, it detaches gajh ica, of gajiricd fuperhr; and then it prefently dione along the whole internal lateral part of the thumb. vides into two large branches, one toward the right hand, Afterwards it runs between the firft phalanx and ten- named arteria hepatica; the other to the left, called dons of the thumb, to the interftice between the bafis of fplenica. this firfl: phalanx, ^nd of the firfl: metacarpal bone, The coronary artery of the ftomach goes firft to the left fide of that organ, a little beyond the fuperior oriwhere it turns to the hollow of the hand. At this turning, it fends off a branch to the external fice ; round which orifice it throws branches, and alfo to lateral part of the thumb, which having reached the end every part of the ftomach near it; and thefe branches thereof, communicates, by a fmall arch, with the branch communicate with thofe which run along the bottom of the ftomach to the pylorus. which goes to the internal lateral part. It likewife fends branches outward, which run between Afterwards it runs on the right fide of the fuperior the two firfl bones of the metacarpus, and the two ten- orifice, along the fmall curvature of the ftomach, almolt dons of the radialis externus; and it communicates with , to the pylorus, where it communicates with the arteria an oppofite branch of the cubitalis, together with which pylorica; and turning towards the fmall lobe of the liit furniihes the external interoffeous mufcles and integu- ver, it gives off fome branches to it. ments of the back of the hand and convex fide of the Then it advances, under the duftus venofus, to the leftdobe of the liver, in which it lofes itfelf near the becarpus. Laflly, the radial artery terminates, in its paflage o- ginning of the duft, having firft given off fome fmall ver the femi-interofleous mufcle of the index, near the branches to the neighbouring parts of the diaphragm and bafis of the firft metacarpal bone, and as it runs under omentum. the tendons of the flexor mufcles of the fingers, where As foon as the hepatic artery leaves the c®liaca, it runs to the upper and inward part of the pylorus, in it is joined to the arch of the cubitalis. It fends off another branch, which runs along the company with the vena port®, fending ofTtwo branches, fore-part of the firft bone of the metacarpus, to the con- a fmall one called arteria pylorica, and a large one navex fide of the index, where it is loft in the integu- med gafirica dextra, or gajlrica major. The pylorica is ramified on the pylorus, and having ments. branches to the neighbouring parts of the ftoThe left Diaphragmatic artery goes out commonly diftributed Which communicate with thofe of the right gaftri-1 from the aorta defcendens, as it paffes between the cru- mach, it terminates on the pylorus, by an anaftomofis with ra of the fmall mufcle of the diaphragm. The right ca, of the ftomach. diaphragmatic comes fometimes from the neareft lumbar the coronary artery gaftric artery having pafled behind and beartery, but molt commonly from the caeliaca. Thefe yondThetheright pylorus, fends out a confiderable branch, naarteries likewife have the name of arteria phrenic*. med arteria duodenalis, or intejiinalis, which fometimes They appear almoft always in feveral ramifications on from the trunk of the hepatica, as we (hall fee the concave or lou’er fide of the diaphragm, and feldom comes Afterwards this gaftric artery runs along on on the upper or convex fide. They give fmall branches hereafter. the right fide of the great curvature of the ftomach, to to the glandulas renales, or capful® atrabilaria. pans of which, on both fides, it diftriThey fend likewife fmall branches to the fat which the neighbouring branches. lies upon the kidneys, from whence they have the name butes Thefe branches communicate with thofe of the arteria of arteri® adipof®. Befides thefe capital diaphragmatic arteries, there are pylorica, and of the coronaria ventriculi, and with the others of a fubordinate clafs, which come from the in- right gaftro-epiploic®, which furnifti the neareft part of omentum, and communicate with the mefenterica futercoftales, mammari® intern®, mediaftin®, pericardi®, the perior. After this, the right gaftric artery ends in the and c®liaca. is a branch of the fplenica. The c®liac artery arifes anteriorly, and a little to the left,Thewhich or inteftinal artery runs along the duoleft hand, from the aorta defcendens, immediately after denum onduodenal the fide next the pancreas ; to both which it its paflage through the fmall mufcle of the diaphragm, furniflies branches, and alfo to the neighbouring part of nearly oppofite to the cartale, between the laft vertebra the ftomach. of the back, and the firft of the Joins. The trunk of The hepatic artery, having fent out the pylorica and this artery is very fltort ; and near its origin, it fends off right gaftrica, advances behind the dudtus hepaticus, tofrom the right fide two fmall diaphragmatic®, though principal fometimes there is only one,‘ which goes to the right ward the veficula fellis, to which it gives two branches