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XXX (235) XXX

235 Part III. A N A T O M Y. middle of the bladder. It likewife gives branches to the The fecond principal ramus, called commonly arteria pudica externa, runs between the bladder and inteftinum uterus* and to the neighbouring parts in both fexes. Afterwards it afcends in form of a ligament to the umbi- redhim, and is diftributed in men to the veficulas feminaneck of the bladder, proftate gland, and neighbourlicus, where it joins the ^umbilical artery on the other les, ing parts of the redtum. fide. From the convex fide of the curvature of the hypoga- Afterwards it runs under the os pubis on the fide of a ftric artery, four or five principal branches commonly go confiderable vein, which lies diredtly under the fymphyout very near each other, viz. iliaca minor, glutasa, fcia- fis; and it runs along the penis between this vein and a tica, pudica communis, five pudiea hypogaltrica, and ob- nerve, being dillributed in its paffage to the corpus cavernofum, and communicating with the pudica minor, turatrix.

The iliaca minor, the mofl pofterior of thefe branches, which comes from the cruralisj

and which is often no more than a ramus of the glutaea, This fecond branch of the pudica major goes off pafles between the laft two lumbar nerves, and divides into fometimes feparately from the hypogaftrica, efpecially in being diftributed to the lateral parts of the utetwo rami, one of which enters the canal of the os facrum women, through the loweft large anterior holes; the other paf- rus, where it communicates with the fpermatic artery, fes behind the mufculus pfoas, to which it gives twigs, near the jagged extremity of the tuba Fallopiana, and and behind the crural nerve, being afterwards diftributed to the neighbouring parts of the vagina, tec. to the iliac mufcle, and to the middle part of the infide The arteria obturatrix perforates the obturator mufof the os ilium, penetrating into the fubllance of the bone cles, and goes out of the pelvis at the upper part of the ligament of the foramen ovale, having firft fent a fmall' fometimes by one hole, fometimes by more. The arteria glntsa is fometimes the largeft of all the branch over the fymphyfis of the os ilium and os pubis, hypogaftric branches. Near its beginning it fometimes to the inguinal glands and integuments. fends out the iliaca minor, and fometimes the fmall ra- As it pafics by the mufcles, it divides and is diftribu-’ mus that goes from that artery to the os facrum and o- ted to the pedlineus and triceps. It likewife fends out ther parts fixed to that bone. Afterwards this artery another branch, which communicates with that branch' goes out of the pelvis, in company'with the fciatic of the feiattea that goes to" the articulation of the os fenerve, through the upper part of the great finus of the moris; and gives fmall arteries to the holes in the neck cs innominatum, below the mufculus pyriformis, and is of that bone. diftributed, in a radiated manner, to the giutasus maximus The iliac artery goes out of the abdomen, between the and medius. ligamentum Fallopii and tendon of the pfoas, at the uIn its paflage, it gives fome branches to the os facrum, nion of the os ilium and os pubis, and there it takes the es coccygis, mufculus pyriformis, the mufcles of the a- name of arteria cruralis. nus, and to the neighbouring parts of the inteftinum It fends off, firft of all, three fmall branches ; one of5 return, forming a particular haemorrhoidalis interna. It which, called pudica externa, goes over the crural vein likewife fends twigs to the bladder and parts near it; and to the fkin and ligament of the penis, and to the inguinal detaches a pretty long branch, which runs down v/ith glands, communicating with the pudica interna. The fecond goes to the mufculus pedtineus; and the third to the fciatic nerve. The arteria fciatica gives firft of all fome branches to the upper part of the fartorius. All thefe branches furthe mufculus pynformis, the quadrigemini, the os fa- nifh likewife the neighbouring anterior integuments. crum, &c. and even to the inner fide of the os ifchium. Afterwards the crural artery runs down on the head It likewife detaches a branch, which runs under the of the os femoris ; and, by taking a particular turn, gets mufculus quadratus, to the articulation of the os femoris. on the infide of the crural vein, about three fingers breadth The pudica communis, called commonly /W/rW inter- from where it goes out of the abdomen. na, arifes fometimes by a trunk common to it and to the In changing its fituaticn, it fends out three confiderglutaea, and gives out two principal branches; the firft able branches, one external, one middle, and one inof which paffes through the great finus of the os ilium, ternal. in company with the glutaea and 1’ciatica, and then di- The external branch runs on the upper fide of the vides into two rami. thigh to the crureus, vaftus externus, redfus anterior, The firfl: ramus goes behind the fpine of the ifchium, mufculus fafeite latte, and glutteus medius; fending up a’ between the two ligaments which lie between that bone ramus to the apex of the great trochanter, which comand the os facrum ; and runs on the infide of the tuber- municates with the firft principal ramus of the pudica culum ifehii, all the way to the origin of the corpus ca- major and fciatica. vernofum penis. There it divides into feveral arteries, The middle branch runs down on the infide of the one of which goes-to the fphindler ani, under the name thigh between the triceps mufcles, to which it gives feof htemorrkoiiialis externa. veral rami, one whereof perforates the fecoud mufcle, The reft are diftributed to the neighbouring integu- and is diftributed to the glutaeus maximus, femi nervo-* ments, to the bulb Of the urethra, and to the corpus fus, femi-membranofus, biceps, and to the neighbouring oavernofum penis; but the laft of thefe arteries, or ra^ ther the extremity of this firft ramus, runs from behind integuments. The internal branch runs backward on the quadiireforeward, over the neck of the os femoris, and commu- mini, towards the great trochanter; and having detachnicates with a branch of the-arteria cruralis. ed a ramus, which goes into the joint of the ts femoris.