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XXX (254) XXX

Part V. 254 A N A T O . M Y. rynx, lungs, and abdominal vifcera. 9 9, Xhe ninth, crum.—This large nerve fupplies the greateft part of air, which are fpent'upon the topgue. xo 10, &c. the mufcles and teguments of the inferior extremity. "he intercoftal, or great fympathetic, which is feen 2b, The ftomachic plexus, formed by the eighth pair.' from the fixth pair to the bottom of the pelvis on each 2121, Branches of the folar or cadiac plexus, formfide of the fpine, and joining with all the nerves of the ed by the eighth pair and intercoftals, which fupply fpine;—in its progrefs fupplying the heart, and, with the ftomach and chylopoetic vifcera. 22 22, Branches the par vagum, the contents of the abdomen and pel- of the fuperior and inferior mefenteric plexufes, formvis. 11 11, The accelTorius, which is fpent upon the ed by the eighth pair and intercoftals, which fupply fterno-cleido malloidasus and trapezius mufcles. 1212, the chyjopoetic vifcera, with part of. the organs of The firll cervical nerves;—13 13, The fecondcervical urine and generation. 23 23, Nerves which accomnerves;—both fpent upon the mufcles that lie on the pany the fpermatic cord. 24 24, The hypogaftric neck, and teguments of the neck and head. 1414, The plexus, which fupplies the organs of urine and genethird cervical nerves, which, after fending off (15 15, ration within the pelv>s. &c.) the phrenic nerves to the diaphragm,—fupply the Fig. 2, 3, 4, 5. Shews different views of the inferior mufcles and teguments that lie on the fide of the neck part of the brain, cut perpendicularly through the and top of the Ihoulder. 1616, The brachial plexus, middle,—with the origin and large pordons of all the formed by the fourth, fifth, fixth, fevehth cervicals, nerves which pafs out through the bones of the craand firft dorfal nerves,—-which fupply the mufcles and nium,—and the three firft cervicals. teguments of the fuperior extremity. 17 17, The A, The anterior lobe. Br The lateral lobe of the cetwelve dorfal, or proper intercoftal nerves, which are rebrum. C, One of the lobes, of the cerebellum. fpent upon the intercoftal mufcles and fome of the D, Tuber annulare. E, Corpus pyrainidale, in the large mufcles which lie upon the thorax. 18 18, The middle of the medulla oblongata, r. The corpus ofive lurribar pairs of nerves, which fupply the lumbar livare, in the fide of the medulla'dblongata. G, The and abdominal mufcles, and fome of the teguments medulla-oblongata. H, The medulla fpinal s. Nerves.—1 23456788c 9, Pairs of nerves. and mufcles of the inferior extremity. 19 19, The facro-fciatk, or pofterior crural nerve, formed by the IO 10, Nervus acceftbrius, which comes from—11 12 two inferior lumbar, and three fuperior of the os fa- & 13, the three firft cervical nerves. PART VI. Of fitch Parts ofi the Body as could not properly he deficrihed under any ofi the former general Divifiions. call papillte, in which the capillary filaments of the cuSect. I. Of the common Integuments. taneous nerves terminate by fmall radiated pencils. Thefe papillae differ very much in figure and difpofition in the different parts of the body, and they may THE SKIN. be diftinguifhed into feveral kinds. greateft part of them is Sat, of different breadths, THE Ikin is a fubftance of very large extent, made andThe feparated by fulci, which form a kind of irregular up of feveral kinds of tendinous, membranous, vafcular, and nervous fibres, the intertexture of which is lozenges. The pyramidal figure aferibed to them, is £0 much the more wonderful, as it is difficult to unfold; not natural, and appears only when they are contradled for their directions are as various as thofe of the fluff of by oold or by difeafes. The papillae of the palm of the hand, of the fble- of ■which an hat confifts. This texture is what we commonly call leather, and the foot, and of the fingers and toes, are higher than the other parts of the body; but they are likewife it makes, as it were, the body of the fkin. It is not ea- onfmaller, clofely united together, and placed as it were fily torn, may be elongated in all directions, and afterwards recovers itfelf, as we fee in fat perfons, in women endwife, with refpeft to each other, in particular rows, which reprefent on the fkin all kinds of lines, ftraight, with child, and in fwellings; and it is thicker and more crooked, waving, fpiral, 6r. Thefe feveral lines are compadt in fome places than in others. in thofe parts of the palm ol the Its thicknefs and compadtnefs are not, however, al- often diftinftlyarevifible next the firft phalanges of the fingers. ways proportionable ; for on the pofterior parts of the handThewhich part of the lips is made up of papilla?, reprebody, it is thicker and more lax than on the fore-parts; fenting red fine hairs or villi, clofely united together. and on the psalms of the bands, and foies of the feet, it Thereveryis another particular kind under the nails ; the is bbth very thick and venf folid. The outer fufface of this fubftance is furniffied with papillae being there more pointed, or in a manner conical, fmall eminences, which anatomifts have thought fit to and turned obliquely towards the ends of the fingers. Thofe