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XXX (329) XXX

ANT ( 329 ) A N U fearches into antiquity have frequently been tifeful. thofe who deny the doCtrine of the Trinity, and par" ticularly to the Arians and Socinians. But thefe refearches, unlefs they are conduced with ANTITYPE, among ecclefiaftical writers, denotes a judgment, are extremely liable to ridicule. ANTIRRHINUM, in botany, a genus of the didy- type correfponding to feme other type or figure. namia angiofpermia clafs. The calix confifts of five ANTIVARI, a fea-port town 0 of Albania, lituated0 on leaves; the bafis of the corolla is bent backwards, and the gulph of Venice, in 19 40' E. long, and 42 io’ furnifhed with pedtoria; the capfule is bilocular. There N. lat. It is fubjeCt to the Turks. are 14 fpecies of the antirrhinum, 10 of which are ANTIVETRIA, a province or fubdivifion of Terra natives of Britain, viz. the cymbalaria, or ivy-leaved Fiona, in South America, lying fouthwards of Cartoad-grafs ; the elatine, or lharp-pointed fluellin ; the thagena. fpurium, or round-leaved fluellin; the arvenfe, or ANTLER, among fportfmen, a ftart or branch of a corn-blue toad-flax; the repens, or creeping toad-flax; deer’s attire. the monofpermum, or fweet-fmelling toad-flax; the ^rcw-ANTLER, denotes the branch next the head; and, linaria, or common ydlow toad-flax; the minus, or Zfor-Antler, the branch next above the brow-antler. lead toad-flax; the majus, or greater fnapdragon ; and ANTOECI, in geography, thofe inhabitants of the the orontium, or leaft fnapdragon. The linaria is laid to earth who live under the fame meridian, and at the be cathartic and diuretic; but it is not ufed in the fliopsi fame diftance from the equator; the one toward the ANTISAGOGE, in rhetoric, the fame with conceflion. north, and the other toward the fouth. Hence they" have the fame longitude; and their latitude is alfo See Concession. fame, but of a different denomination. They are ANTISCII, in geography, people who live on different the fides of the equator, whofe fhadows at noon are pro- in the fame femicircl'e of the meridian, but oppofne in jedled oppofite ways. Thus the people of the north parallels. They have precifely the fame hours of the are Antifcii to thofe of the fouth, the one projecting day and night, but oppofite feafons ; and the night of their fhadows at noon toward the north pole, and the the one is always equal to the day of theiOther. ANTONIAN Waters, medicinal waters of Germany, other toward the fouth pole. , ANTISCORBUTICS, medicines good in fcorbutical very pleafant to the tafte, and efteemed good in many chronic and hypochondriac cafes. cafes. ANTISEPTICS, among phyficians, a denomination ANTONIO, one of the Cape de Verd ifiands, fubjeCt to0 given to all fubflances that refift putrefaCfiom Such the Portuguefe, andfituated in 2(0° W. long, and 1S as fairs of all kinds, vinegar, myrrh, fnake-root, pep- N. lat. per, <bc. ANTONOMASIA a form of fpeech, in which, for a ANTISTOECHON, in grammar, the ufing one letter proper name, is put the name of fome dignity, office, inftead of another, as olli for illi. profeffion, fcience, or trade; or when a proper name ANTISTROPHE, in grammar, a figure by which tVvo is put in the room of an appellative. Thus a king is things mutually depending on one another, are reci- called his majefty; a nobleman, his lordftip. We procally converted; as the fervant of the mafler, the fay the philofopher inftead of Ariftotle, and the oramafer of the fervant. tor for Cicero : Thus a man is called by the came of Anti strophe, among lyric poets, that part of a fong his country, a German, an Italian; and a grave man and dance in ufe among the ancients, which was per- is called a Cato, and a wife man a Solomon. formed before the altar, in returning from weft to eaft, ANTRIM, the moft north-eaft county of Ulfter, in in oppofition to ftrophe. See Strophe, and Ode. the kingdom of Ireland. It is alfo the name of the ANTITACTAs, in church-hiftory, a branch of Gno- chief town of the aforefard county, fituated at the0 ftioe, who held, that God was good and juft, but that north end of Lochneah, in 6° 26' W. long, •'and 54 a creature had created evil; and confequently that it is 45' N. lat. our duty to oppofe this author of evil, in order to a- Antrum, among anatomifts, a term ufed to denote fe-. vehge God of his adverfary. veral cavities of the body; as the antrum highmoriaANTITHENAR, in anatomy, a name given to'the ad- num, or that in the maxillary or jaw-bone, &c. See ductor indicis- Seep. 216. ■ p. 162. par. 2. ANTITHESIS,., contraft, or oppofition of words or ANTWERP, a beautiful city of the Auftrian Netherfentiments; as, . lands, ' and capital of the marquifate of the fame name. Though gentle, yet not dull. It ftands on the eaftern ffiore of the river Scheld, aStrong ’without rage, ’without o erflywing full. bout 25 miles north of Bruflels, and in 40 15' £• . ANTITHET, denotes either a quality or thing fet in long, and 5 1 0 15' N. lat. oppofition to its contrary. in antiquity, denotes the circumference, or ANTITHETARIUS, in law, a perfon who endeavours ANTYX, outermoft round of a ftield.

to acquit himfelf by charging the accufer with the ANVIL, an iron inftrument on which fmiths hammer or fame faCt. forge their work, and is ufually mounted on a firm ANTITRAGUS mufculus, in anatomy, a mufcle of wooden block. the ear. See p. 295. par. 5. ANUS, in.anatomy, the extremity of the inteftinum recANTITRINITARIANS, a general name given to all tum, or orifice of the fundament. See p. 261. jar. 2. Von. I. No. 14. 3 4O AN-