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XXX (341) XXX

A u ' ( 341 ) A u Hence the line conne&’ng thefe points is- called the Aqua mercuriality a folution of fublimate of mercery, and a little mercury, in aqua regia. ^ line of the dpftdes. See Astronomy. mirabilis, the wonderful water, is prepared of Apsis, among eccldiaftical writers, denotes the inner Aqua cloves, galangals, cubebs, mace, cardomums, nut-: part of the ancient churches, anfwering to the modern megs, ginger, and fpirit of wine, digefted 24 hours, choir. It is alfo ufed for the bifhop’s throne, and then diddled. It is a good and agreeable cordial. fometime# for the ambo. See Ambo. Aqv&. omnium forum,- in pharmacy, the water diltilled APSYRTUS, in botany. See Marrubium. from the dung of cows, when they go to grafs; in. APTE, a fmali city of Provence, in0 France, fituated a- Englilh, wer-'vjatcr. boutc 25 miles north of Aix, in 5 So' E. long, and Aqjua regia,All-flo' an acid corrofive fpirit, fo called, bacaufc 43 50' ‘N. lat. APTERA, the term ufed by Linnaeus for his feventh it ferves as a menftruum to difiblvc gold, commonorder of infers, comprehending fucli as have no ly efteemed the king of metals. Its bafis, or efientiak ingredient, is common fea-falt, the only fait in wings. APTHANE, a title anciently given to the higheft de- nature which will operate-on gold. It is commonly prepared by mixing common fea-falt, or fal ammoniac, grees of nobility in Scotland. See Thane. APTOTE, among grammarians, an indeclinable noun, or the fpirit of them, with fpirit of nitre., or common aquafortis. See Chemistry, title. Of aqua regia. or one which has no variation of cafes. APUA, in ichthyology, an obfolete name of the gobius. Aqua fecunda, denotes aqua fortis, which has. been ufed to diffolve fome metal. See Gobius. APULIA, or Puglia, in geography. See Puglia. Aqua fulphurata, the fame with gas fulphuris. See APUS, in ornithology, the trivial name of a fpecies of Gas. hirundo. See Hirundo. Aqua vitx, the water of life, a name given to malt APYCNI Suoniy in mulic, founds diftant one or more fpirits in contradiftindlion. from brandy. oftaves, and yet concord. Aqua vilriolica cterulea, a folution of blue vitriol and APYCNOS, in mufic, is faid of the diatonic genus, on alum, with fome fpirit of vitriol, in water ; recomaccount of its having fpacious intervals, in comparifon mended in inflammatory and putrid cafes. of the chromatic and enharmonic. See Diatonic, AQUA! pavor, in medicine. See Hydrophobia. Chromatic, <fcc. AQUTF.DUCT, in hydraulics and architecture, a conAPYREXY, among phyficians, denotes the intermiffion veyance made for carrying water from one place to of a fever. another. Thofe of the ancient Romans were furpriAQUA, a term frequently met with in the writings of fingly magnificent. That which Lewis XIV. built phyficians, chemifts, &c. for certain medicines, or near Maintenon, for carrying the Bucq to, Verfaillcs, mendruums, in a liquid form, difiinguiihed from each is perhaps the greateft now in the world: It is feven other by peculiar epithets; as. thoufand fathoms long, with two thoufand five hunAqua alexiteria, a water diftilied from mint, fea-worm- dred and fixty fathpms of elevation, and contains two wood, and angelica; and laid to be good in malignant hundred and forty-two arcades. and pellilential cafes. a fmall town of thd Mantuan, in lAqua aluminofa, alum-water, a folution of water and AQUA-NEGRA, taly, fituated upon the Chiefe, in 90 E. long, and white vitriol; efteemed good in ulcers and cutaneous 450 io' N. lat. eruptions. a city of the ecclefiaftical ftate, Aqua forth, a corrofive liquor, made by difiilling puri- AQUAPENDENTE, Italy, fituated upon the river Paglia, abounding m fied nitre with calcined vitriol, or redified oil of vi- inwaters. triol, in a ftrong heat; the liquor, which rifes in fumes AQUARIANS, in church-hiftory, an ancient fed of red as blood, being col lefted; is the fpirit of nitre or heretics, who, under pretence of abftinence, made ufe aqua fonts; which ferves as a menftruurn for diflbl- of water inftead of wine in the eucharift. ving of filver, and all other metals, except gold. But AQUARIUS, in aftronomy, a conftdlatian which makes if fea-falt, or fal ammoniac bo added to aqua fortis, it the eleventh fign commences aqua regia. Aqua fortis is commonly held Astronomy. in the zodiac, marked thus . See to have been invented about the year 1300; though AQUARTIA, in botany,, a genus of the tetrandria moothers will have it to have been known in the time of nogynia clals. There is only one fpecies, called aculea-, Mofes. It is ferviceable to refiners, in feparating ta, a native of Europe. filver from gold and copper: to the workers in mofaic, AQUATIC, hiftory. an appellation.given to for ftaining and colouring their woods ; to dyers, in fuch things inas natural or grow in the Water. their colours, particularly fcarlet; and to other artifis, AQUAVIVA, a live town of the kingdom of Napl es, and for colouring bone and ivory. With aqua fortis book- province of Barri. binders marble the covers of books, and diamond- AQUEDUCT. See Aqu/educt. cutters feparate diamonds from metalline powders It AQUELEIA, a patiiarchal city of Italy,0 near the end is aHb ufed in etching copper or brafs plates. See of the gulph of Venice, fituated in 13 00 E. lon<r Chemistry, Of the nitrous acid. . and 46° 20' N. lat. Aqua marina, a name by which-the jewellers call the AQUEOUS, in a general fenfe, fomethinp of beryl, on account of its fea-green colour, SeeBERYi.. the nature ot water,. or that, abounds withpartaking it. . Vol. I. No. 15. '3 4R Aqueous