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XXX (343) XXX

ARA ( 343 ) ARA the eaft, Valencia on the fouth, and the two Caftiles as they are all intended for the fame purpofe, it is needlefs to give particular defcriptions of them. on the weft. ARAIGNEE, in fortification, fignifies the branch, re- Linnseus enumerates 47 fpecies of fpiders, r/z. i.The diadema, has a globular reddifh belly, with a white crofs. turn, or gallery of a mine. See Mine. ARALIA, in botany, a genus of the pentandria penta- It inhabits the birch-tree. 2. The reticulata, has a regynia clafs. The involucrum is an umbella; the calix ticulated round belly, and is dufky or purple on the back. has five teeth, and is above the fruit; the corolla has It frequents gardens. 3. The cucurbitina, has a globufive petals ; and the berry has five feeds. There are lar yellow belly, with a few black fpots, It lives in the leaves of trees, and inclofes its eggs in a foft net. 4. The five fpecies of aralia, all natives of the Indies. calycina, with a round pale yellow belly, and two hoi-, ARALIASTRUM, in botany. See Panax. ARANDA de Duero, a city of Old Caftile, in Spain, low points. It lives in the cups of flowers, afyer the fituated on the Duero, between Ofma and Valladolid; flower-leaves have fallen off, and catches bees, and ofo called, to diftinguifh it from another city of the fame ther flies, when they are in fearch of honey. 5. The oflopunflata, with a roundifh yellow belly, four black name, fituated upon the Ebro. ARANEA, the Spider, a genus of infeds belonging marks on eacli fide, and a red anus. It is a native of to the order of aptera, or infefls without wings. All Sweden. 6. The bipunflata, with a round red belly, the fpecies of fpiders have eight legs, with three joints and two hollow points. It frequents windows. 7. The in each, and terminating in three crooked claws ; eight arundinacia, with a white roundifh belly, and dufky-coeyes, two before, two behind, and the reft on the loured fpots. It frequents reeds. 8. The angulata, fides of the head. The mouth confifts of two claws with an oval belly; the fore-part of the fides form an or talons, denticulated like a faw. A little below the acute angle. It frequents trees. 9. The domeftica, or - point of the claw, there is a fmall hole, through which common houfe-fpider, has a dufky oval belly, with five the fpider emits a kind of poifon. Thefe claws are the contiguous black fpots. 10. The trilineata, with a white weapons with which they kill flies, fcsc. for their food. belly, and three longitudinal lines of blackifh fpots. It The belly or hinder part is feparated from the head lives in woods. 11. The riparia, has an oval glazed and breaft by a final! thread-like tube. The Ikin or black belly, and a yellowifh forked hairy anus. It lives outer furface is a hard poliftied cruft. Spiders have in the fandy banks of rivers. 12. The labyrinthica, five tubercles or nipples at the extremity of the belly, with a dufky oval belly, a whitifh indented line, and a whofe apertures they can enlarge or contract at plea- forked anus. The web of this fpecies is horizontal, with fure. It is through thefe apertures that they fpin a cylindrical well or tube in the middle. 13. The quadria gluey fubftance with which their bellies are full. lineata, has a roundifh yellow belly, and four fpots and They fix the end of their threads by applying thefe four purple lines on each fide. It is a native of Sweden. nipples to any fubftance, and the threads lengthen in 14. The redimita, has an oblong yellow belly, and a proportion as the animal recedes from it. They can red oval ring on the back. It frequents gardens. 1 y. The ftop the iffuing of the threads by contracting the nip- coroMata, has a black oval belly, and an oval white ring ples, and re-afcend by means of the claws on their on the back. It dwells upon plants. 16. The fumigafeet, much in the fame manner as fome men warp up ta, has a dufky oval belly, and two white points at the a rope. When the common houfe-fpider begins her bafe. It fives in the fields. 17. The montana, has a web, fire generally chufes a place where there is a ca- white oval belly, with afh-coloured fpots. It lives in vity, fuch as the corner of a room, that fire may have a trees. 18. The fanguinolenta, has a blood-coloured free palfage on each fide, to make her efcape in cafe belly, with a black longitudinal line. It is a native of of danger. Then fhe fixes one end of her thread to Spain. 19. The notata, has an oval duflcy-coloured the wall, and pafles on to the other fide, dragging belly, with W'hite tranfverfe lines. 20. The rufipes, the thread along with her, (or rather the thread fol- has a dufky and reddifh legs. It ixioft frequently lows her as fhe proceeds), till fhe arrives at the other lives among belly, 21. The nodurna, has a black fide, and there fixes the other end of it. Thus fire belly, with nettles. two white and a little white halfpafles and repaffes, till fhe has made as many parallel moon at the bafe of the points, anus. 22. The extenfa, has a threads as fhe thinks neceffary for her purpofe. Af- long greenifh fhining belly, and legs are extended , ter this, fhe begins again and croffes thefe by other longitudinally. It frequents marfliyits grounds. parallel threads, which may be named the ‘woof. fimbriata, has a black oblong belly, with a white23.fineThe on Thefe are the toils or fnares which fhe prepares for each fide, and dufky-coloured legs. It lives in water, entangling flies, and other final! infedls, which happen upon the furface of which it runs with great fwiftnefs. to light upon it. But, befides this large web, fhe ge- 24. The fexpundata, has an oblong belly, and three nerally weaves a fmall cell for herfelf, where fhe lies pair of hollow points. It lives in woods, 25. The concealed watching for her prey. Betwixt this cell flaviflima, has a fmooth oblong belly of a very yellow and the large web, fhe has a bridge of threads, which, colour. It is a native of Egypt. 26. The bimaculata, by communicating with the threads of the large one, has a ehefnut-coloured roundifh belly, with two whiteboth give her early intelligence when any thing touch- points. 27. The clavipes, has an oblong belly,, and the es the web, and enables her to pafs quickly in order laft joints of the legs, excepting the third pair, are hairy to lay .hold of it. There are many other methods of and clavated. native of America. 28. The weaving peculiar to different fpecies of fpiders. But, quadripundata, Ithasisa ablack oblong belly, and four hoh-