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XXX (351) XXX

architecture. 35r i. OF THE TUSCAN. Of the Farts that compofe an Order, and their Ornament*, The Tuscan (Plate XXIV.) is the moft: folid and the orders. It is compofed of few parts, The parts that compofe an ordef may be diftributed fimple ofofallornaments, and fo maffy, that its feems cainto two different claffes. In the firji may be ranged devoid pable of fupporting the heavieft burden. There are all that have^any analogy to the primitive huts, and re- no remains of a regular Tufcan order among the anprefent i'ome part that was neceffary in their conftiudion. tiques ; the dodtrine of Vitruvius it is obSuch are the draft of the column, with the plinth of its fcure; and the profiles of Palladio,concerning Scamozzi, Serlio, bafe, and the abacus of its capital, reprefenting the up- de POrme, and Vignola, are all imperfeA. right trees, with the (tones on which they were placed, The. height of the Tufcan column is 14 modules,and thofe that covered them ; likewife the architrave and or femidiameters, each confiding of 3,0 minutes; aud triglyphs, reprefenting the beams and joifts ; the mutules, that of the whole entablature 3- modules ; which being modilions, or dentils, which all of them reprefent the divided into 10 equal parts, three of them’ are for the rafters, or fome other pieces of timber ufed to fupport height of the architrave, three for the freeze, and the the covering; and the corona, reprefenting the beds of four for the cornice t The capital is one momaterials that compofed the covering. All thefe may remaining

the bafe, including the lower cincture of the (haft,

properly be diftinguilhed by the name of effential mem- isdulelikewife module;, and die (haft, with its upper bers. The fubfervient parts, contrived for the ufe or cindture and one 12 modules. ornament of the former, and commonly called mould- Thefe are aftragal, the general dimenfions of the order; the ings, may conftitute the fecund clafs. particular dimenfions may be learned by inlpedtion of the There are eight regular mouldings in ornamenting columns ; the fillet, Mel, or fquare; the aftragal, or plates. of antiquity, the quantity of diminubead; the torus, or tore; the fcotia, mouth, or cafe- tionInatthetheremains Tufcan column is various; but felment; the echinus, ovolo, or quarter-round; the in- dom lefs thantoponeof the nor more than one fixth of the verted cyma, talon, or ogee; the cyma, cyma refta, or inferior diameter ofeighth, the column. The laft of thefe is cymatium ; the cavetto, or hollow. The names of thefe generally preferred; and Chalmers and others make “the allude to their forms, and their forms are adapted to the fame diminution in all columns, without regard to their purpofes for which they are intended. See Plate XXVII. order. The ovolo and talon, as they are ftrong at the extremities, are fit for fupports ; the cyma and cavetto,. tho' 2. OF THE DORIC ORDER. improper for fupports, ferve for coverings to (belter other members; the torus and aftragal, being (haped like The Doric Order, (Plate XXV.) is next in ropes, are intended to bind and fortify the parts with ftrength the Tufcan; and being of a grave, robuft, and which they are conne&ed: But the ufe of the fcotia mafeulineto afpedt, by Scamozzi called the Herculean. and fillet. Is only to feparate and diftinguifli the other As it is the moftisancient of all. the orders, it retains mouldings, to give a graceful turn to the profile, and to more of the primitive huts than any of prevent the confufion which would arife from joining fe- the reftof ;thethe(trudture triglyphs m its freeze reprefenting the veral curved members together. the joifts ; and the mutules in its cornice, repreThere are various methods of defcribing the contours ^nds of the rafters. of moulding*; but the fimplelt and bed is to form them fenting The height of the Doric column, including its capita! of quadrants of circles, as in Plate XXVII. and bafe, is 16 modules, and the height of the entablaAn affemblage of what are. called effential parts and the latter of which being divided into eight mouldings, is termed a prcfile. The moft perfeft pro- ture four; two of them are for the architrave, three for the files are fuch as are compofed of few mouldings, varied parts, and three for the cornice.. ‘ in form and fize; and fo difpofed, that the ftreight and fuze, In moft of the antiques, the Doric column is executed, curved ones fucceed each other alternately. When without bafe. Vitruv ius likewife makes it without one ; ■ornaments are employed in. mouldings, fome of them (hould the bafe,a according him, having been firft employed be left plain, in order to give a proper repofe : For, the Ionic order, intoimitation of the fandal of a wowhen all are ornamented, the figure of the profile is loft. inman’s foot. Scamozzi blames this pradfice, and moft: of the modern architedfs are of his Opinion. Of the Orders of Architecture. of the theatre of Marcellus, the frize is An Order confifts of two principal members, the In the profile with hulks and rofes; the architrave confifts Column and the Entablature; each of which is enriched only of one fafeia and a fillet; the drops are conical;, compqfed of three principal parts. Thofe of the Co- metope is enriched with a bull’s (kuU, adorned with turn,i are, the Bafe, the Shaft, and the Capital-, and the a garland of beads, of thofe on the temple thofe of the Entablature are, Jr chit rave, the Fr/a.?, of Jupiter Tonans at intheimitation of the Capitol. In feme and the Cornice. All thefe are (ubdivided into many antique fragments, and infoot a great many mordern buildleffer parts, whofe number, form, and dimenfions cha- ings, the metopes are alternately adorned ox-(kulls ra&erife each order, and exprefs the degree of (trength, and pateras. But they may be filled withwith any other ordelicacy, richnefs, or fimplicity peculiar to it. naments, according to the tkftination of the,building. 3:. OE