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XXX (363) XXX

A II D ( 3<S3 ) ARE ■ring-feathers are' black; but the body is white: The low ; the long wing feathers are tipped with white. It under part of the head, as far as the lower chap, is red ; is a native of Surinam. 20. The virefeens has a fmali the beak is yeilowilh, and jagged at the point; the feet creft on the back part of the head, a green Ihining back, are red, and the prime tail-feathers white. 6. The An- and dufky-coloured breaft. It is a native of America, tigone, or greareit Indian crane of Edwards, has a na- 21. The ftellaris, or bittern, has a fmooth head ; it ked head, and papilious collar ; the body is a(h-coloured, is variegated through the whole body with dark-coand the prime wing-feathers .black. Behind the eyes, loured fpots of different figures and fizes. It is a na there is a ftnall white fpot, and the crown of the head live of Europe, and inhabits chiefly the fen-countries. is alfo white. The breafl: is of a greenilh yellow co- It is met with fkulking among the reeds and fedge, lour; the feet are red. and the prime tail-feathers alh- and its ufual pofture is with the head and neck ereft, coloured. It is a native of Alia. 7. The dconia, or and the beak pointed direftly upwards. It will fuffer white ftork of Ray, has naked eye-balls, and black perfons to come very near it without rifing; and has prime wing-feathers. The Ikin below the feathers, as been known to ftrike at boys and at Iportfmen, when alfo the beak, feet, and claws, are of a blood-colour. wounded and unable to make its efcape. It flies prinIt is a native of Europe, Afia, and Africa; but is fel- cipally about the dufk of the evening, and thc/s rifes dom or never to be met with in Italy. The ciconia feeds in a very Angular manner, by a fpiral afeent, till it is upon amphibious animals. It is fuch an enemy to fer- quite out of fight. It makes a very ftrange ndife pents, that it is reckoned almoft a crime to kill a ftork. when it is among the reeds, and a different and very From this favourable treatment, they arefeen in Holland Angular one as it rifes on the wing in the night, and the Low Countries walking unconcerned in the mid^ 22. The grifea has a fmooth dufky head ; the body is die of the ftrefets. Storks are birds of paflage; they tawny above, and white below; and the prime wingfpend the fummer in Europe, and difappear all at once, feathers have a black fpot at the points. It is a naand go off to Egypt, Ethiopia, (be. before winter, and tive of the Eaft. 23. The brafilienfis has a fmooth do not return till about the middle of March. 8. The head; the body is blackifh, with yellow fpets ; and the nigra, or black ftork of Willoughby, has naked orbits, prime feathers of the wings and tail are greenifh. It and the breaft and belly are white ; the body is black ; is'a'native of America; 24. The alba has a fmooth the feet and orbits are blood-Coloured. It inhabits the head, a white body, a yellow beak, and black feet. northern parts of Europe. 9. The ny&icorax, or leffer It is a native of Europe. 25. Tire acquinoftialis has alb-coloured heron of Ray, has a creft, confifting of a fmooth head, , and a white body. It is a native of three ftrait horizontal white feathers, on the back part of America. 26. The minuta has a fmooth head,, a the head; the back is greeniftr, and the belly yellow. dark-coloured body, and a yellowifh belly. It is about It inhabits the foiwhern parts of Europe. 10. The pur- the fize of the turdus, and is a native of. Switzerland purea, or. common heron of Englilh Authors,, has a creft, and the Eaft; with two long green feathers hanging down from the ARDENBURG, a fortified town of Dutch Flanders,, back part of the head ; the body is of an olive-colour, lituated about 12 miles N. E. of Bruges, m30 20' and purple below; the head is of a Ihining green colour. E. long, and ;i° 15' N. lat. It is a native of the Eaft. 11. The cinerea, or afh- ARDENNE, a foreft in Germany, lying between Thi-coloured heron, has a fmooth black head, a bluilh hack, orrville and Liege. white belly, and oblong black fpots on the breaft. It is ARDEVIL, or A r.demv, the burying-place of .feme a native of Europe. Great numbers of them together of the ancient kings of Perfia, fkuated in 64° 20' build their nefts in trees. They are faid to fly very high E. long, and 36° N. lat. before ftorms. 12. The major has a black creft de- ARDMAGH, in geography.. See Armagh.. pending from the back part of the head, an afh-coloured ARDOR-VENTRIGULI, the fame with the heartbody, and a black line and belt on the neck and breaft. bum. It is a native of Europe. 13. The garzetta is crefted ARDRES, a town of the province of Picardy in France,, behind; the body is white, the beak black, and the feet fituated about 10/ miles fouth of Calais, in 20 E. greenifh. It is a native of the Eaft. 14. The cocoi long, and 50° 45 N. lat, has an afh-coloured creft hanging down from the back Ardrks, or Ardra, is-alfb the capital of a country part of the head; the whole body is afh-coloured. It is on the flave-coaft of Guinea in Africa,0 fituated near a native of Cayenne. 15. The herodias is crefted be- the river Lagos, in 4°-E. long, and 5 N. lat. hind, has a dulky-coloured back, reddilh thighs, .and the. ARE, in mufic. See Alamire. breaft fpeckled with oblong black fpots. It is a native AREA, in geometry, denotes the fuperficial content of of America. 16. The.viofacea has a white creft; the any figure. See Geo metry. body is variegated with black and white, and bluifh be- Area, among phyficians, the fame with alopecia. See low. It is a native of America.. 17. The cserulea has Alopecia. a creft behind,, and a bluifh body. It is a native of AREBON, a town of Guinea in Africa, fituated at the N. America. 18. The hudfonias has a black creft on mouth of the river Fonnofa, in 50 E. long, and 50 the top of the head; the body' is dufky-coloured, and N. lat. white below. It frequents HndfonV Bay. 19. The ARECA, in botany, a genus of the order of palmas ftriata has a fmall creft on the back-part of the head ; pemiatifoiia’. The male has no calix, but three pethe back is of. a.hoary grey colour, and afh-coloured be- tals, and nine ftamina; the femak has no edix; the corolla