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XXX (27) XXX

A D P ADO ( 27 ) and in memory of Adonis, with whom flie is faid to Apmiral is alfo an appellation given to the mod con- l?ave been in love. liderable Ihip of a fleet of merchant-men, or of the ADONIAS, in botany, an obfolete name of the anemone. vefleb employed in the cod-fifliery of Newfoundland. See Anemone. This laft has the privilege of chufing what place he ADONIDES, in botany, a name given to botanifts who pleafcs on the fhore to dry his fifli; gives proper or- deferibed or made ders, and appoints the filhing places to thofe who come any particular place.catalogues of plants cultivated in after him; and as long as the fiftiing-feafon continues, ADONION, in botany, an obfolete name of a fpecies of he carries a flag on his main-mart. fouthernwood. Admiral, in zoology, the Englifli name of a fpecies of ADONIS, zoology. See Exocoetus. the voluta, a (hell fifti belonging to the order of ver- Adonis, ininbotany, a genus of the polyandria polymes tertacea. See Voluta. 4 clafs. The Englifli names are, adonis-flower, High Court of ADMIRALTY, in Scotland, the court gynia eye, red maithes, or red morocco. The in which the high-admiral is judge. See Admi- pheafant’s calix of this genus is pentaphyllous, the petals are ral. and the leeds are naked. There are five fpecies ADMIRATION, in general, denotes furprife, wonder, five, adonis, viz. the aeftivalis, autumnalis, vernaor aftoniflufient at any extraordinary event. Some- oflis,theappennina, and capenlis; none of which are natives times alfo it fignifies the expreffion of wonder. ADMISSION, among ecclefiaftical writers, is the a<rt of of Britain, excepting the autumnalis. See Plate III. a bifliop’s allowing axlerk to be properly qualified for fig. 1. which reprefents the adonis appennina. Adonis A?/;?, in antiquity, an ancient beverage made ferving a cure. ADMITTENDO clerico, in the Englifli law, a writ of wine, mixed with flower of roafted adon. It was granted to a perfon who has recovered his right of pre- the fame with cyceon. fentation againft the bifhop, <bc. in the common pleas, ADOPTIANI, in church hiftory, a fedt/Of antient heretics, followers of Felix of Urgel, and Elipand of by which the bifliop, or metropolitan 's ordained to ad- Toledo, who, towards the end of the eighth century, mit his clerk. Admittendo in focium, in the Englifli law, a writ advanced the notion, that Jefus Chrift, in his human for the aflbciation of certain perfons to juftices of af- nature, is the Son of God, not by nature, but by adoption. fize formerly appointed. a folemn adt whereby any one takes anADMONITION, in ecclefiaftical difcipline, is a formal ADOPTION, warning of an offender of his irregularities, and ad- other man’s fon into his family, and makes him his heir, inverting him -with all the rights and privileges vifing him to reform. ADMONITIO;/"«/?/'aw, among the Romans, a milita- of a fon. ry punifliment, not unlike our whipping, only it was ADOPTIVE, in general, fignifies any thing adopted. performed with vine-branches. Thus we fay, adoptive children, &c. ADMORTIZATION, in the feudal cuftoms, the re- Adoptive arms, in heraldry, or, arms of adoption, duftion of the property of lands or tenements to mort- thofe which a perfon enjoys by the gift or concelfion of main. See Mortmain. another, and to which he was not otherwife intitled. ADNATA, inanatomy, one of the coats of the eye, which ADOPTIVE See Adoptiani. is alfo called conjundiva and albuginea. See Ana- ADORATION, is the homage and fubmiflion due to tomy, Part VI. the Supreme Being. Adnata, is alfo ufed for any hair, wool, or the like, ADOSSEE,in heraldry, fignifies two figures or bearings, which grows upon animals or vegetables. being placed back to back. - Thus the arms of the ADNOUN," a term ufed by feme giammarians for an dutchy of Bar are two bars adojfee, or back to back. adjediive. ADOUR, the name of a river of France, which rifes in AD o/flo, implied the higheft degree of perfeflion, among the mountains of Bigorre, and running N. by Tarbes ancient philofophers. through Gafcony, afterwards turns E. and, palfing by ADOLESCENCE, the flower of youth, or time of Dax, falls into the bay of Bifcay, below Baycnne. growth in the human fpecies, commencing at infancy, ADOXA, or Tuberose Moschatel, in botany, a and terminating in manhood. of the odlandria tetragynia clafs. There is onADOLPH Fredrick's Schacht, a filver-mine in Sweden, . lygenus one fpecies of the adoxa, which is a native of Briwhich, from 1742 to 1747, produced a great deal of tain and other parts of Europe. fllver. a term uled by Leibnitz for the aft ADOM, in geography, a populous village in the pro- ADPERCEPTION, the mind becomes ccnfcious of its perceptions. vince of-Stuhl-Weiffenberg, belonging to Hungary. ADwhereby pondus omnium, among phyficians, an abbreviation It lies in a fruitful country, towards the river Da- in their preferiptions, fignifying that the. laft mentionnube, 19. 20. long. 47. 30. lat. ed ingredient is to weigh as much as all the reft toADONAI, one of the names of the Supreme Being in gether. the feriptures. The proper m .aning of the word is damnum, in the Englifli law, a writ direcled my lords, in the plural number, as Adoni is my lord ADto quod the IheriiF, commanding him to enquire into the dain the Angular. mage which befal from granting certain privileges ADONIA, in mythology, feftivals in honour of Venus, to a place, asmaya fair, market, or the like. ADRA,