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XXX (511) XXX

A Z Y A Z O ( 5ii ) the firft of the fun’s or ftar’s altitude, for in/lance, to the co- AZOTH, in ; irychemiftry, or the mercury of a metal; me line of the azimuth from the fouth, at the time of the tals, that which they call the mercury of equinox. To find the azimuth by the globe, fee which they pretend to drawS of Geography. Magnetical Azimuth, an arch of the horizon intercepted between the azimuth, or vertical circle, paffing AZURE, in a general fenfe, the blue c r of the /ley. through the centre of any heavenly body, and the See Sky and Blue. This is found by obferving the Azure, amo; t’adapted to find, in a rally called ultra, 1 by the common fea-comWith greater jneticai amplitude, or azi- that bright blue colouV prepared from the lapis armemuth. See Compass. nus, a different /lone from the lapis lazuli, though Az 1 mut h-dial) one whofe llyle or gnomen is at right frequently confounded together. This colour is, by angles to the plane of the horizon. our painters, commonly called Lambert's blue. Az 1 murh‘Circles, called azimuths, or vertical circles. Azure, in heraldry, the blue colour in the arms of aare great circles of the fphere, interfering each o- ny perfon below the rank of a baron. In the efcutchether in the zenith and nadir, and cutting the horizon on of a nobleman, it is czWcA fapphire ■ and in that of at right angles in all the points thereof. a fovereign prince, Jupiter. In engraving, this coAZOGA /hips, are thofe Spani/h /hips " ’ ' the quick-Jilver fhips, from their carry■ying quick-filvi to the Spanilh W. Indies, in order to) extraS the fil- AZURIUM, the name of a chemical preparation from ver out of the mines of Mexico and Peru. Thefe two parts of mercury, one of fulphur, and a fourth of /hips, ftrialy fpeaking, are not to carry any goods fal ammoniac, mixed in a mortar, put into a glafs vefunlefs for the king of Spain’s account. fel, and fet over the fire till a blui/h fmoak arifes, 6c. AZONI, in ancient mythology, a name- applied by the AZYGOS, in anatomy, a vein riling within the thoGreeks to fuch of the gods as were deities at large, rax on the right fide, having no fellow on t appropriated to the worfhip of any particular town whence it is called azygos, or vena fine pari. See

ountry; but acknowledged in general by all coun- Anatomy, p. 237.

5, and wor/hipped by every nation. Thefe the La- AZYMITES, in church-hiftory, Chriflians who admicalled dii communes. Of *his fort were the fun, ni/ler the eucharifl with unleavened bread. This is rs, Luna, <bc. an appellation given by the Latin to the Greek church ; AZOPH, in geography. See Aso who alfo call the Armenians and Maronites, who ufe AZORES, i/lands in th and 33° W. long,. and a between 36° and 40° N. lat. mites. bread in their office, by the name of Azy~ They belong to th< AZYMOUS, called the We/lern

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B BAAR, a country of Swabia in Germany, in the principality of Fur/lenberg, near the fource fourt of the Danube and the Necker. BABELMANDEL, a little i/land at the entr; of the Red-fea, from the Indian ocean ; from win he /Iraits of Babelmandel take their name. BABOON, in zoology, a/ynonime of the fimia See Si mi BABYLON, a celebrated city of antiquity, fuppofedto have been fituated on the river Euphrates, though not on its prefent channel," in 44° E. long. and.32° N. lat. But of this once fo flouri/hing a city, there are now no remains; nor is even the place where it Ztood certamly known,

Babylon-was alfo an ancient city of Egypt, to have flood where Grand Cairo does at pn BABYROUSSA, of fus.. See Sus.i 1 zoology, a fynonime of a fpecies BACA, a town of Gra ,- ih Spain, fituated £ 48. miles north-ea/l of the city of Granada, in 3° W. long, and 37° 3.0'N. lat. BACALIAU, BACCA, berry,orinBarcalxao* botany, is ufedSeeto Barcallao ficnify fuch fruits as confi/l of a pericarpium full of Jjuice and* feed without any valves. ^ BACCARAT, a town of I tween Nanci and EftivaL BACA