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XXX (544) XXX

B £ Z ( 544 ) BIB There are two kinds of bezoar. The firft, which is foulneffes of the blood: Its moil fenfible effeft is to brought from Perfia and the Eaft Indies, is found in promote the urinary difcharge. BEVECUM, a town of Brabant in the Auftrian Ne- the flomach of the capra bezoardica, and efteemed by therlands, about feven miles fouth of Louvain, fituated phyficians to be the beft. It is called oriental bezoar, 0 and is of a fhining dark-green or olive-colour, arid has in 4 45' E. long, and 50° 45' N. lat. BEVEL, among mafons, carpenters, &c. a kind of an even fmooth furface. On removing the outer coat, ftjuare, one leg whereof is frequently crooked, ac- that which lies underneath is likewife fmooth and Ihicording to the fweep of an arch or vault. It is ning. It is generally lefs than a walnut. The fecond kind, called occidental bezoar, is moveable on a centre, and fo may be fet to any brought from the Spanilh Weft Indies, has a rough angle. BEVEL-angle, any other angle befides thofe of ninety or furfftce, and lefs of a green colour than the oriental. It is likewife much heavier, more brittle, and of a forty-five degrees. See Angle. BEVELAND, the name of two iflands, in the pro- loofer texture; the coats are thicker, and, on breaking, exhibits a mynber of ftrise curioufly interwoven. vince of Zealand, in the United Netherlands. The are called North and South Beveland; and lie The occidental is generally larger than a walnut, and between the ealtern and weltern branches of the fometimes as big as a goofe-egg. The great value of this ftone in Perfia and the Eaft, Scheld. BEVERLY, a borough-town of Yorklhire, about0feven and the little ufe it is found to be of in Europe, has miles north of Hull, in 12' W. long, and 53 50' made many fufpedt that the true kind is never brought to us. Many of them are indeed evidently made by N. lat. It fends two members to parliament. BEVILE, in heraldry, a thing broken or opening like a . art. The ufual mark to diftinguilh its being of a good carpenter’s rule: Thus we fay, he beareth argent, a quality, is its ftriking a deep green colour on white chief bevile, vert, by the name of berverlis. See paper that has been rubbed with chalk. But it is of little importance to fay much on this fubjeft. The Plate LI. fig. 13. BEUTHEN, the name of two towns in Silefia, one of ftone is nothing more than a morbid concretion, much of the fame nature with the human calculus, of no which is famous for a filver mine. BEWDLEY, a borough-town of Worcellerfitire, fitu- fmell or tafte, indigeftible in the ftomach of the animal in which it is found, and fcarce cap'able of being adled ated on the river0 Severn, about twelve miles north of upon by any of the juices of the human body ; and, Worcefter, in 2 20' W. long, and 520 25' N- lat- notwithftanding its many boafted virtues, it cannot be It fends only one member to parliament. confidered in any other light than as an abforbent of BEWITS, in falconry, pieces of leather, to which a the weakeft kind.. However, bezoar, on account of hawk’s bells are faftened, and buttoned to his legs. BEXOQUILLO, a name fometimes given to the white its high price, if it ferves no other purpofe, is of an excellent ufe in the apothecaries bill. ipecacuanha. an appellation given to whatever parBEY, among the Turks, fignifies a governor of a coun- BEZOARDIC, of the nature of bezoar; alfo to compound metry or town. The Turks write it begh, or bek, but takes dicines whereof bezoar makes an ingredient. pronounce it bey. commerce, a name given by the Siamefe to This word is particularly applied to a lord of a ban- BIA, infmall Ihells which are called cowries throughout ner, whom, in the fame language, they call fangias- thofe almoft all the other parts of the Eaft Indies. See beg or bey. Every province in furky is divided into Cowries. feven fangiacs, or banners, each of which qualifies a BIAFAR, a kingdom of Africa in Negritia,-bounded bey ; and thefe are all commanded by the governor of on the Weft by tl kingdom of Benin, on the north the province, whom they alfo call begler-beg, that is, by that of Medra, and on the eaft and fouth by the lord of all the beghs or beys of the province : Thefe kingdom of Mujac. beys are much the fame as bannerets were formerly in BIALOGOROD, a town of Befiarabia, upon the NieEngland. It is likewife called Akerman; E. long. 320 Bey of Tunis, the fame with the dey of Algiers, is the • fter. 20, N. lat. 46° 24/. prince or king of that kingdom. the capital of the Ukraine, fituated BEYLAN, a town of Syria, upon the road from Aleppo BIALGRODKO, upon the river Pnetz. to Conllantinople. a cape on the north-eaft part of the ifland of BEZANS, cotton cloths, which come from Bengal; BIARU, Macaflar, in the Indian Ocean. ■fome are white, and others ftripped with feveral co- BIAS, or Biass, in a general fenfe, the inclination or lours. bent of a perfon’s mind to one thing more than anBEZANTLER, the branch of a deer’s horns next be- other. It alfo fignifies the lead or weight put into a low the brow-antler. that draws or turns the courfe of it any way to BEZOAR, in natural hiftory, is a llony concretion bowl, which the bias looks. found in the ftomach of feveral animals of the goat BIATHANATI, the fame with filicides, or felos de fe. kind. It is compofed of concentrical coats furrounda town of Upper Hungary, fifteen ihg each other, with a fmall cavity in the middle, con- BIBERSBERG, 0 taining a bit of wood, Itraw, hair, or the like fub- miles north of Freiburg; E. long. 17 30', and N, Eances. . .