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XXX (549) XXX
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( 549 ) BIB French, which have been printed feparately, one of the pains to compare the Greek verfion with the Hebrew moft remarkable is that Amelotte of the oratory, text. We are quite in the dark as to the author and compofed by the direftionofofF.fome prelates, and the time of this verfion, but probably it is very ancient, printed with annotations in the yearFrench 1666, 1667, and fince we cannot fuppofe the Egyptian church was long 1670. The author pretends he had been at the pains to without a tranflation of the fcriptures in their mother fearch all the libraries in Europe, and collate the oldeft; tongue. ' But, in examining his work, it appears Perfian and Tnrkifh Bible. There are feveral ver- manufcripts. he has produced no confiderable various readings, fions of the Bible in the Perfian language, mod of which that had not before been taken notice of either in the are in manufcript. There is a tranflation of the Pfalms which' London Polyglott or elfewhere. The NewTeftament of by one father John, a Carmelite; and another of the Mons printed in 1665, with the archbifhop of Caijibray’s fame book done from the Latin by the Jefuits. Wal- permiffion, the king of Spain’s licence, made a great ton, in the London Polyglott, has publilhed the Gofpels, noife in the and It was condemned by pope Clement tranflated by one Simon the fon of Jofeph, a Chriftian of IX. in 1668,world. and Innocent XL in 1679, anc^ Perfia, who lived in the year 1341. We have likewife in feveral biftiopiicsbyofpope at leveral times._ The fome manufcript tranflations of the Bible in the Turkifh NewTeftament publifhedFrance at Trevoux in 1702, by M. language, particularly a verfion of the New Teftament Simon, with literal and critical annotations Upon diffiprinted at London in the year 1666. paffages, was condemned by the bifbops of Paris Armenian and Georgian Bible. The Armenians cult and Meaux in 1702. F. Bohours, a Jefuit, with the have an old tranflation of the fcriptures in their language, afliftanceof F. F. Michael Tellier, and Bernier, taken from the Greek of the Septuagint. Three learned Jefuits likewife, publifhed a tranflation ofPeter TeArmenians were employed about it, in the time of the ftament in 1697: But this tranflation is, theforNew the moft: emperor Arcadius, viz. Mofes firnamed the Grammarian, harih and obfcure, which was owing to the au-, David the Philofopher, and Mamproeus. The Arme- part, keeping too ftridtly to the Latin text from which nians, in 1666, procured an edition of the Bible in their hethor’s tranflated. language to be made at Amfterdam, under the direction There likewife French tranflations publifhed by of an Armenian bifliop. Another was printed at Ant- Proteftantare authors ; one by Robert Peter Olivetan, printed werp in 1670, by the procurement of Theodoras Patraeus, at Geneva in 1535, and fince often reprinted with the corand the New Teftament feparately in 1668. The Georgians have likewife a tranflation of the Bible re<flions of John Calvin and others; another by Sebafti an in the old Georgian language: But as this language is Caftalio, remarkable for particular ways of expreffion never known only to a very few perfons,' and the people of the ufed by good judges of the language. John Diodati country are extremely ignorant, there is fcarce any one likewife publifhed a French Bible at Geneva in 1644; but fome find fault with his method, in that he rather who either reads or underftands this verfipn. Whilft the Roman empire fubfifted in Europe, the read- paraphrafes the text than tranflates it. -Faber Stapaienfis ing of the fcriptures in the Latin tongne, which was the tranflated the New Teftament into French, which was univerfal language of that empire, prevailed every where. revifed and accommodated to the ufe of the reformed But fince the face of affairs in Europe has been changed, churches in Piedmont, and printed in 1534. Laftly, and fo many different monarchies eredted upon the ruins M. John LeClerc publifhed a New Teftament in French of the Roman empire, the Latin tongue has by degrees at Amfterdam in 1703, with annotations taken chiefly grown into difufe; whence has arifen a neceflity of tranf- from Grotius and Hammond; but the ufe of this verfion lating the Bible into the refpeftive languages of each was prohibited in Holland by order of the States-Gepeople; and this has produced as many different verfions neral, as tending to revive the errors of Sabellius and of the fcriptures in the modern languages, as there are Socinus. different nations profeffing the Chriftian religion. Hence Italian Bible. The firft Italian Bible publifhed by we meet with French, Italian, Spanifh, German, Fle,- the Romanifts, is that of Nicolas Malerme, a Benedidtine miih, Danifh, Sclavonian, Polifh, Bohemian, and Ruf- monk, printed at Venice in 1471. It was tranflated fian or Mufcovite Bibles; befides the Anglo-Saxon and from the Vulgate. The verfion of Anthony Brucioli, _ modern Englifh andlrilh Bibles. publifhed at Venice in 1532, was prohibited by the counFrench B/ble. The oldeft French Bible we hear of cil of Trent. The Calvinifts likewife have their Italian is the verfion of Peter de Vaux; chief of the Waldenfes, Bibles. There is one of John Diodati in 160.7 anc^ who lived about the year 1160. Raoul de Prefle trarif- 1641, and another of Maximus Theophilus in 1351, lated the Bible into French in the reign of Charles V. dedicated to Francis de Medicis duke of Tufcany. The king of France, about the year 1380. Befides thefe, Jews of Italy have no entire verfion of the Bible in Itathere are feveral old French tranflations of particular lian ; the inquifition conftantly refufing to allow them the parts of the fcripture. The doctors of Louvain pub- liberty of printing one. liftied the Bible in French at Louvain, by order of the Spanijh Bible. Thefirft Spanifh Bible that we hear emperor Charles V. in 1550- There is a ,verfion by of, is that mentioned by Cyprian de Valera, which he Ifaac le Maitre de Sacy, publifhed in 1672, with ex- fays was publifhed about the year 1500. The Epiftles planations of the literal and fpiritual meaning of the text, and Gofpels were publifhed in that language byAmbroie which was received with wonderful applaufe, and has de Montefin in 1512; the whole Bible by. Caffiodore de been often reprinted. As to the New Teftaments in Reyna, a Calvinift, in 1569; and the New Teftament, 6Z dedicated