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XXX (554) XXX

B I L ( 554 ) BIN Tills bill is fometimes exhibited to juftices at the BILSDON, a market-town of Leicefterfhire, about fe“ general affixes, by way of indi&ment, or referred to ven miles 0fouth-eaft of Leicefter; W. long, yo7, and others having jurifdiftion ; but more efpecially is ad- N. lat. 52 40'. about fix miles weft of dreffed to the lord-chancellor, for inconfcionable wrongs BILSEN, a town of Germany, done. It contains the thing or fadt complained of, Maeftricht; E.long. y0 30', and N. lat. yi°. the damage fuftained, and a petition or procefs againft BIMEDIAL, in mathematics. If two medial lines, as the defendant for redrefs ; and is ufed both in cri- AB and BC, commenfurable only in power, containing minal and ci^il cafes. In a criminal cafe, the words a rational re<5tangle, are compounded, the whole line Billa vera are indorfed by the grand jury upon-a pre- AC will be irrational, and is called a firft bimedial fentment, thereby fignifying, that they find the fame line. made with probable evidence, £nd on that account worthy of farther confideration. Bill in parliament, a paper containing propofitions of- See Euclid, lib. X. prop. 38. fered to the houfes to be parted by them, and then BIMINI, one of the Lucaya-iflands, in N. America, to the fouth of the Bahama-iflands. prefented to the king to pafs into a law. BIMLIP AT AN, a port-town of Golconda in India, where Bill of attainder. See Attainder. the Dutch have a farftory. It is fituated on the weft Bill of appeal. See Appeal. fide of the bay of Bengal, in 83° E. long, and 180 Bill of mortality. See Mortality. BILLARD, a name given, in fome parts of the king- N. lat. dom, to the young fiffi of the gadus-kind. See Gadus. BINARY arithmetick, that wherein unity, or 1 and o BILLERECA, a market-town of Eflex, about twenty are only ufed. This was the invention of M. Leibnitz, who /hm miles call of London, in E. long. 20', and N. lat. it to be very expeditious in difcovering the prop', of numbers, and in conftru<5ting tables: anc BILLET, in heraldry, a bearing in form of a long Dangecourt, in the hiftory of the royal acade;. fquare^ They are fuppofed to reprefent pieces of cloth of gold or filver; butGuillim thinks they repre- fciences, gives a fpecimen of it concerning arithi i' fent a letter fealed up ; and other authors take them cal progreffionals; where he fhews, that becaufe, ir binary arithmetick, only two charafters are ufed, therefor bricks. Billete fignifies that the efcutcheon is all over-ftrew- fore the laws of progreffion may be more eafily difcoed with billets, the number not afcertained. See vered by it than by common arithmetic. All the chara&ers ufed in binary aiithmetick are o Plate LI. fig. 15; Billet-wW, fmall wood for fuel, cut three foot and and 1, and the cipher multiplies every thing by 2, as four inches long, and feven inches and a half in com- in the common arithmetic by 10. Thus 1 is one ; 10, pafs; the affixe of which is to be inquired of by jurtices. two; 11, three; 100, four; 161, five; no, fix; in, feven', 1000, eight; 1001, nine; 1010, ten; BILLETING, in military affairs, is the quartering of which is built on the fame principles with common afoldiers in the houfes of a town or village. And, among fox-hunters, it fignifies the ordure and dung of rithmetick. The author, however, does not recommend this a fox. BILLIARDS, an ingenious kind of game, played on method for common ufe, becaufe of the great number a redtangular table, covered with green cloth, and of figures required to exprefs a number; and adds, placed exa<5Ily level, with little ivory balls, which are that if the common prdgreffion were from 12 to 12, driven by crooked flicks, made on purpofe, into ha- or from 16 to 16, it would be ftill more expeditious. zards or holes, on the edge and .corners of the table, Binary meafure, in mufic, is a meafure which is beaten equally, or where the time of riling is equal to that of according to certain rules of the game BILLINGHAM, a market-town of Northumberland, a- falling. This is ufually called common time. See bout twenty-five miles north-weft0 of Newcaftle, in Music. Binary number, that compofed of two units. W.long. i° 40*, and N. lat. 55 sc/. BILLITON, an iftand in the E. Indian ocean, lying BINDBROKE, a market-town of Lincolnfhire, about twenty-five miles north-eaft of Lincoln; E. long. 6', fouth-weft of Bornea, in x° xa' S. lat. BILLON, in the hiftory of coins, a compofition of pre- and N. lat. y3° 32'. cious and bafe metals, where the latter predominate. BINCH, a little fortified town 0 of Haioault, ten miles Wherefore gold under twelve carats fine, is called bil- eaft of Mons; E. long. 4 20', and N. lat. yo° 0,0 . lon of gold ; and filver under fix penny-weight, billon BIND, a country-word for aftalk of hops. of filver. So little attention was paid formerly to the Bind of eels, a quantity, confifting of 2yo, or 10 purity of gold and filver, that the term billon of gold ftrikes, each containing 2y eels. was applied only to that which was under twenty-one BINDING, in a general fenfe, the faftening of two or carats; and billon of filver to that which was lower more together by a vinculum or bond. HocLBinding. See Book-binding. than ten penny-weight. Billon, in geography, a town of the Lower Auvergne, Binding, among fencers, denotes the fecuring the adin the Lvonois in France,0 about ten miles fouth-eaft verfary’s fword, which is effected by a preffure an^ ®f Clermont; E.long. 3 ay,, and N. lat. 45? 40'.. fpring from the wrift. Binding