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BOOK-KEEPING. 5'89 equal, it mull be charged Dr to Profit and Lofs, for 6. Bills payable, N° 52. This is an accompt of the fame nature with the form- the difference. er ; and contains, upon the Cr fide, the bills accepted 12. Dea-afd Perfon's Efate. by the merchant, payable to others ; and, upon the Dr The Dr fide accompt exhibit? the legacies, bills, fide, the payments he has made. So that the difference or debts, you theof this have paid on account of the of the fides (if ther<? be any) is the bills yet unpaid: perfon deceafed; executor and the Cr fide Ihows what he died And the accompt is clofed, by charging it Dr to Ba- poffelfed of: And the accompt is clofed, by being made lance. Dr to Profit and Lofs, for the difference of its fides ; 7. Bills of Exchange. This accompt exhibits, on the Cr fide, all the bills you which is the fum that falls to you the executor. draw on your fadlors or correfpondents ; and the Dr fide 13. Accompts of Ships, Houfes, and ither Pof {hows what of them are accepted, protefted, or yet outN° 4. ftanding ; and is clofed, if the fides happen to be unequal, Contain, upon thefejfions, fide, what they coll at fir 11, or by being debited to Balance, for the bills out-ftanding, are valued at, with allDrcharges, as repairs, or other viz. the bills of whofe acceptance you have hitherto expences laid out upon them. fuch The Cr fide contains, had no advice. (if any thing be writ upon it), either what they are fold 8. Bonds. exchanged for, or the profits arifing from them ; fuch This accompt exhibits, on the Dr fide, all the bonds oras freight, rent, &c. Here there are cafes. you have received, and on the Cr fide, what of them are If nothing be written upon the Cr fide,three clofed, by paid, or out-ltanding ; and is clofed, if the fides happen to being credited by Balance. 2dly, If theitCris fide be fillbe unequal, by being credited by Balance, for the bonds ed up, with the price of the Ihip, houfe, &c. folrl, or yet unpaid. otherwife difpofed of, then the difference of the fides is 9. Sufpenfe-accompt, N° 34. the gain or lofs made upon the fale; and the accompt is Contains, upon the Dr fide, the goods fent off; and by being debited or credited to or by Profit and upon the Cr fide, either the fame goods returned, or ad- clofed, Lofs. idly. If the Cr fide contain only the freight or vice from your correfpondent that he defigns to keep rent; in this cafe, firll charge the {hip, houfe, &c. Dr them, or the price fent up. So that either the fides to Profit and Lofs, for the freight or rent; and then of this accompt are equal, and then the accompt clofes clofe the accompt with Balance. N° 4. of itfelf; or, if there be any difference, it is owing to your having hitherto had no advice concerning fome of 14. Houfe-expences, Charges of Merchandize, Refufal the goods lent off; and in this cafe the accompt is clo- of Bargains, Interejl-accompt, Infurance-accompt, fed, by being credited by Balance, for the faid dif- and all others of the like nature, that are dilburfements for which nothing con|gs in, or pure incomes ference. for which nothing goes out. N° 65. 42. 35-. 10. Foreign Coin., N° 26. Contains, upon the Dr fide, the value at which the Contain, upon their Dr fides, the articles of lofs, and feveral pieces are received; and on the Cr fide, the va- upon the Cr fides the articles of gain ; and are clofed, lue at which they are put off. In doling this accompt, by being debited or credited to or by Profit and Lofs, there are three cafes, ijl. If the pieces are all difpofed of their fides. of, the accompt is clofed, by being debited or credited to or for the difference 15. Profit and Lofs, N° 38. by Profit or lofs, for the gain or lofs made by them. 2dly, Contains, upon the Dr fide, the articles of lofs, and If none of the pieces are yet dii'pofed of, it is clofed by being credited by Balance, for the whole value on the Dr fide. on the Cr fide the articles of gain. To this accofspt "idly. If part of them are difpofed of, and part of them are carried, not only whatever comes in courfe to it from yet on hand; in this cafe, the accompt mult firft be cre- the Journal, but alfo all the articles of gain and lofs that dited by Balance, for value of the pieces on hand; and occhr in doling the Ledger-accompts. After which, the if alter this the money-columns Hill remain unequal, it Dr and Cr fides being added up, their difference is the mult be debited or credited to or by Profit and Lofs, for neat gain or lofs made fince the books were begun; and the faid difference; which is the gain or lofs made upon therefore this accompt is clofed, by being debited or crethe piece's difpofed1 of. dited to or by Stock, for the difference of its fides. 1. Wagers Accompt. 16. Stock-accompt, N° 8. Contains, upon the Dr fide, the confignments made gathered from the Journal, contains, upon the Dr when the wagers were entered into. The Cr fide con- fide,As the debts due by the merchant when the books tains the decifions of the wagers. So that here occur begun. The Cr fide contains his ready money, eftwo varieties, viz. Jl, If all the wagers are determined, were fects, and debts due to him at the lame time. But the difference of the fides will be the gain made upon then, to this accompt, as it now Hands, there is brought, thofe decided in favour of the merchant; and the ac- at doling of the Ledger, the difference of the fides of compt is clofed, by being charged Dr to Profit and Lofs, the Profit and Lofs accompt. After which, the Dr and for the faid difference, idly. If any of the wagers are Cr fides being added up, and compared, their difference yet undecided, the accompt mull firlt be credited by Ba- will be the merchant’s prefent neat llock; and the aclance fpr them: After which, if the lides are Hill un- compt is clofed by Balance. Vol. I. Numb. 25. 3 7K § 2.