Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, first edition - Volume I, A-B.pdf/718

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XXX (608) XXX

BOOK K E E P I N G. W A S T E - B O O K. W A S T E - B O O K. - October ayth.—November nth.The Royal Exchange infurance-office has in Paid one year’s rent of my dwelling-houfe. fured to us 600/. on the Phtznix, outward and iz. irom Mart. 1764 to 1765, inward at 3 per cent, the premium, which I t. 13. have paid, comes to, 12th S. 3. George Evans is broke, and I have compound-26th ed his debt bf 300 /. at 12 /. per pound. Bought of Richard Owen, for account of /. leorge Kent and myfelf in company, each The compofition received is 180 60 l. The difeount is - 120 00 4 pipes (Kerry, at 26/. 104 5 pipes ditto, at 26/. xo/. 132 10 E. 5. Due on demand, 236 S. 1. Received of Nathaniel 'Niaper druggets, -— 27th. Adjuifed accounts with George Kent, and eceived ■t jth.- E. A Simon King, John Oker, and myfelf, ft:fol/. /. d. PJ His half-fir are ofmy difburfements 7 , 0 N°i ig to make an equal joint adventure, we have on the Phoenix, y ^ put into company what goods each of us have proper for the intended voyage, without regard Received aifo his half-(Irare of the 7 11 ^ to our due proportions, purpofing to adjuft that price of 9 pipes (Kerry, 5 ^° matter with money. U. 1. Simon King, 80 pieces ftrge, at 7 Sl.tos. j44°oo Paid Richard Owen, in full for (Kerry John Oker, 70pieces frize, at 4/. 280 00 29th. S. i.n. I have put in my 90 pieces fluffs, 225 00 which I value at 2/. 10 s. Sold Edward Turner our 5 bed pipes (KerI have paid charges till on board, 27 10 ry, at 29/. I have alfo paid Simon Smith and' /. /. comp, for infuring 900/. on our Received in part, - - 120 00 faid adventure, Reft due on demand, 25 00 Shipped the whole on board the Thijlle, Capt. T. 1. Bently mafter, configned to Philip Jenkins merchant in Lisbon, to fell for our account, beSold our other 4 pipes (herry, for ready ing marked and numbered as per margin. money, at 27/. 12/. T. 1. 17th. V. 2.n. 2. -Upon adjufting accompts with Simon King Received of Edward Turner, in full for our and John Oker, there appears doe to the (hfeVry, former, /. s. d. T. i.n. 2. Exora. John Oker, - - 51 13 4 And from me - - - 56134 Paid carriage, cellar-rent, and other charges Which we have paid, the total 7 on our (herry, - -being 3 S. 3. T. 3. n. 2. U. 4.8c 7. 22d. / I My commiffion on the whole, at per cent, jarnounts to - -' 708 06 / Simon King, John Oker, and myfelf, folving further to trade in company, have j T. 3. n. 2. bought of George Wood 18 tuns oil of Galli— 4th . poly, at 29/. 10 r. due on demand, / ; Paid George Kent, in full for his half-fliare [of neat proceeds on (Kerry, S. 1. 25th. I u. -8th. Simon King, John Oker, and myfelf, have / Received from Edward Harley, in full of his paid Gecrrge Wood, in full for oil,, as follows. bond dated (ixE Augujl laft, with 3 months intereft at 5 per cent. S. King has given him goods to7 c the value or 5 /. John Oker has counted withhim for 200 C The principal is - 400 00!1 The intereft comes to - - 5 oo I,have paid him the reft in money, 211 c U. 8,. S. X. n. i

