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XXX (623) XXX

BOOK - K E E P I N G. LEDGER. LEDGER. /. |, Contra, 1769 Charges ofMerchandize, Dr By Profit and Lofs, 7»h ToCafh, fori-year’s (hop-rent, To Cajh, paid portage, be. (7)

1765 By H. V. Beek his accompt-') 0706 Aug 08 current, at to*/. - j

Sugar, Dr J 1769 J«b To Voy.from Jamaica, zt.U)sSor | 63 1769

Cr c Contra, 1769 July By Voy. to Hamburg, at 19/. for f 63-

Edward Dupfier, Dr To JVil. Boyd, my acc. curt, at todays,

1769 Contra, 7»iy By Cafh, received in full.

to Hamburg, 1769 Voyage Sundries, as /er Journal, Jub To To Profit and Loft, gained, °4t Herman Van Seek hisl Dr accompt of goods, 3 1769 To Cafh, paid charges, ToCaJh, for rtorage, brokerage, <&c. . To Profit and Loft, formycommif. ataj, To H.Van Seek his accompt'on time. due by T. Freeman, T0 ditto his accompt-cnprent, in my hand;

1769 By John Perkins my accompt current, Sept. 22 By 28 Cajh, for drawback on fugar. 1769 Hug 7 By Cajh, for 14 butts madder, 23By Tho. Freeman, for 18 C. flax, due at months, -

Herman Van Seek his j Dr accompt on time, To Balance, outfta,nding,

Cr 1769 Contra, Beek his accompt of goods, Aug 23 1 By H.V. due by T. Freeman,

50 , Hennan Van Seek his j, r accompt current, 3 1769 Jug. To Sundries, as per Journal • Sept, J To Bills payable, for 1 to W. Sabin, ; 6 days To Cajh, remitted him. To Balance, due to him. Voi.. I. No. 26.


Contra, By Balance due by him,

Dr 1769 John Dyer, J«h To Voyagefrom Jatnaica, due at 6 Mo, Pymento, Dr 1769 Voy. from Jamaica, at 6^.for J*h o To To Profit and Loft, gained,


Contra, Cr 1769 Aug, By H. Van Beek his accompt ofgoods. 7391U5 By James IVright, abated. 8i o'oo 39i' 508 391 tyfoS 3