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XXX (633) XXX

BOR ( 623 ) BOR folfKoe. Boreas is reprefented in painting like an old Boring, in mineralogy, a method of piercing the earth fcooping ironsK which being drawn back at proma» with a horrible look, his hair and beard cover- with per times, bring up with them famples of the different ed with fnow dr hoar froll, with the feet and tail of ftxata through which they have pafl'ed; by the examia ferpent. nation of which the fleilful mineralift will be able to BOREASMI, in Grecian antiquity, a feftival kept by guefs whereabouts a vein of ore mayl ie, or whether it the Athenians in honour of Boreas. will be worth while to open a mine there or no. BOREEL, a cape on the north part of New Zeland, BORIQUE, of the Caribbee iflands, lying fouthin the South Sea, lying well by fouth from the mod eaft oTPortooneRico, in 64° 30' W. long, and 18° N. foutherly part of South America. lat. BORGO, a town of Finland, in the province of Ny- BORISSOW, a town of Poland, in the dutchy of Liland, upon the northern coal! of the gulph of Finland. thuania, fituated upon the river Berozina. Borgo di Sesia, a town of Italy, in the dutchy of BORISTHENES, in geography. See Nieper. Milan, burned upon the Sefia. BORITH. See Kali. Borqo de St Sepulchro, a town of Tufcany, about BORMIO, a territory of the Grifons, in Italy, having fifty miles eaft of0Florence, near the0 head of the Tithe dominions of Venice on the fouth. ber; E. long. 13 , and N. lat 43 30'. Borgo de Val de Faro, a town of Italy, in the BORNE, a market-town in Lincolnfhire, about 30 miles dutchy of Parma, about twenty miles fouth-wefl of fouth of the city of Lincoln ; in 20 XV. long. and^2° 40' N lat. • that city, E. long. io° 36', and N. lat. 440 35'. Borgo-Forte, a town of the Mantuan, in Italy, fi- BORNEO, a large 0 ifland0 in the Indian ocean, fituated 0 tuated at the confluence of the rivers Po and 0Menzo, between 107 0 and 117 E. long, and between 7 30' N. lat. and 4 S. lat. about 0 eight miles fouth of Mantua ; E. long. 11 N. lat. Its figure is almoft round, and computed to be 2500 44 jo'. Borgo St Domingo, a city of Italy, in the dutchy miles in circumference, and confequently containing of Parma, 0about ten miles north-weft of that city; a greater number of fquare acres than any ifland in the 0 known world. E.long, to 31', N. lat. 44 jo'. BORIA, a city ofArragon, in Spain, about 0thirty-five Borneo is alfo the name of the principal town of the at the north-weft part, miles north-weft of Saragoffa; W. long. 2 , and N. above 0ifland, fituated on a bay 0 lat. 41 40V in 111 30' E. long, and 40 30' N. lat. BORING, in a general fenfe, the art of perforating, or BORNHOLM, an ifland in the Baltic Sea, fituated on making a hole through any folid body.. the coaftof Schonen, in Sweden, about 43 miles nprthBoring of water-pipes. The method of boring wa- ehft of tire ifland of Rugen, in 150 E. long, and 550 ter-pipes is as follows. The poles of alder, which is 15' N. lat. a very ufeful wood in making pumps, water-pipes, &c. BORNEO, or Boornou, the name of a town and being laid on horfes or treflels of a foot height, to country of Nigritia, in Africa. This coantry abound;, reft the auger upon while they are boring, they fet up in cattle, millet, and cotton. It lies between 150 and a lath to turn the leaft end of the poles, to lit them 240 E. long, and between io° and 20° N. lat. to the cavities of the great end of the others. They Borneo is alfo the name of a lake, in the river Niger, turn the fmall ends of the poles about five or fix inches where it traverfes the above-mentioned country. in length, to the fize they intend to bore the bigger BOROUGH, in Scots law, is a body corporate made up ends about the fame depth, viz. five or fix inches. of the inhabitants of a certain trail of ground ereiled This is defigned to make a joint to (hut each pair of by the fovereign, and endowed with a limited jurilpoles together, the concave part being the female part, diilion, and certain privileges. They are divided into and the other part the male of the joint. In turning boroughs royal, of regality, and of barony. See the male part, they turn a channel in it, or a fmall Law, tit. Inferior Judges and Courts of Scotland. groove at a certain diftance from the end; and in the Borough-English, a cuftomary defeent of lands or female part, they bore a fmall hole to fit over this tenements, in certain places, by which they defeend channel. This being done, they bore the poles to the youngeft inftead of the eldeft fon; or, if the through; and to prevent them from boring out at the owner have no iffite, to the younger inftead of the elfide, they flick great nails at each end to be a guide der brother. This cuftom goes with the lanfl, alin boring. It is ufual, however, to bore them at both though there be a devife or feoffment at the common ends; fo that if a pole be crooked one way, they can law to the contrary. The reafon of this cuftom, fays bore it through, and not fpoil it. Littleton, is, becaufe the youngeft is prefumed in law Boring, in farriery, an operation in ufe for the cure of to be leaft able to provide for hinafelf. wrenched (boulders in horfes. It is this; havjng cut Borough-head, or Headborough, called alfo boa hole in the Ikin, over the part affedted, they blow it rough-holder, or burlholder, the chief man of the dewith up a tobacco-pipe, as a butcher does a (boulder cenna, or hundred, chofea to fpeak and act in behalf of veal; after which they thruft a cold flat iron, like of the reft. the point of a fword-blade, eight or ten inches up beHeadborough alfo ftgnifies a kind of head -conftable, tween the ftioulder-blade and the ribs: This they call where there are feveral chofen as his alfiftants, to boring. ferve warrants, &c. See Constable. Borouch-