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XXX (636) XXX

BOS { 626 ) BOS by a rope tied to a ring thru ft through their nofes. They are compartments in gardens, formed by branches of trees, difpofed either regularly in rows; or wildly The buffalo is larger than an ox, has a thicker body, and a very hard hide. His pace is flow; but he will and irregularly, according to the fancy of the owner. carry a great burden. They feed in herds like cotys, A bofquet is either a plot of ground inclofed with paand yield plenty of milk, of which very good butter and lifadoes of horn-beam, the middle of it being filled with cheefe is made. Their fleflt is pretty good, but not to fall trees, as elm or the like, the tops of which make be compared to beef. The wild buffalo is a very a tuft or plume ; or it confids of only high trees, as fierce and dangerous animal; he often attacks tra- horfe-chefnut, elm, Qc. The ground fliould be kept vellers, and tears them to pieces. However, they are very fmooth and rolled, or elfe covered with grafs, not fo much to be feared in woods as in the plains; after the manner of green-plots. In planting bofquets, becaufe their horns, which are fometimcs ten feet long, care (hould be taken to mix the trees which produce are apt to be entangled in the branches of trees, which their leaves of different fliapes, and various fhades of gives thofe who are furprifed by them time to efcape. green, and hoary or meally leaves, fo as to afford an agreeable profped. Bofquets are only proper for fpaThey are excellent fwimmers, and will crofs the cious gardens, and require a great expence to keep larged river without any difficulty. They run wild them up. in great troops on the coad of Malabar, for which BOSS, or Bosse, in fculpture. See Relievo. reafon drangers are allowed to hunt and kill them at BOSSAGE, in architefture, a term ufed for any done pleafure. 6. The indicus, or little Indian buffalo, has horns that has a projedture, and is laid rough in a building, fliorter than its ears, a bunch on its back, and no to be afterwards carved into mouldings, capitals, coats arms, <bc. nrane. It is about the fize of a calf fix months of Boffage alfo that which is otherwife called rudic old, and ufed in the Ead Indies for drawing coaches, work, and isconfids of dones which advance beyond the qc. Y. . ^ naked, or level, of the building, by reafon of indenBOSA, or Bossa, a town of Sardinia, fituated on its tures left in the joinings. Thefe are w,edern coad, at the mouth of a river of the fame name ; chieflyorufedchannels in the corners of edifices, and thence callin 8° 3c/ E. long, and 40° 1 j' N. lat. ed ruflic quoins. The cavities or indentures are BOSCAGE, the fame with a grove, or thicket. round, fometimes chain-framed, or bevelBoscage, in a law fenfe, is that food which trees yield fometimes led, fometimes in a diamond form, and fometimes into cattld, as mad, <bc. But Manwood fays, to be- clofed with a cavetto, and fometimes with a liflel. quit of bofcage, is to be difchargedof paying any duty BOSSINEY, a borough-town of Cornwal, fituated on for wind-fall wood in the forefl. Irifli channel, about fifteen miles north-wed of Boscage, among painters, denotes a landfcape repre- the Launcefton : W. long. 50, and N. lat. 50° 40'. fenting much wood and trees. It fends two members to parliament. BOSCHETTO, in geography, a territory in the ifle of BOSSORA, a large port-town of AfiaMalta: And likewife an edate belonging to the grand tic Turky, orBASSQRA, in the province of Eyrac Arabic; fituated maflers of that order, about two miles from Civita on the wedern fhore of the river Euphrates, about forVecchia, in Italy. north-wed of the gulph of Perfia, or Boffora,' BOSEA,. in botany, a genus of the pentandria drgynia tyin miles E. long. 47°, and N. lat. 30°. clafs. The calix confids of five leaves; it has no co- BOSSUPT, a town of Brabant, in the Audrian Nerolla ; and the fruit is a dry, compreffed, membra- therlands, about eight miles fouth of Louvain: E. Ion. naceous berry. There is but one fpecies, viz. the 40 30', and N. lat. 50° 52'. yervamora, a native of the Carribbee-iflands. in the Turkifh affairs, perfons employBOSNA-SERAJO, the capital0 of the province of Bof- BOSTANGIS, 0 ed in the garden of the feraglio, out of whofe number nia, in 19 E. long, and 44 N. lar colleded thofe who are to row in the Grand Signior’s BOSNIA, a frontier province of Chrifiendom, divided are when he has a mind to divert himfelf with between the Houfe of Auflria and the Turks; that brigantines, or take the air upon the canal. They who row part of it lying eadward of the river Unna, belonging onfifuing, the left hand are only capable of mean employments* to the Turks ; and the red of it, lying wedward of in the gardens ; but they who row on the right hand that river, to the Audrians. may be promoted to the charge of bodangi-bachi, who* BOSPHORUS,, in geography, denotes, in general, a has the general intendency of all the Grand Signior’snarrow tea, or. channel, feparating two continents, and gardens, and commands above ten thoufand bodangis. ferving:aS'a communication between two feas. a port-town of Lincolnfliire-, fituated nearBosphorus is more particularly ufed for the draits of BOSTON, the mouth of the river Witham, about twenty-fix miles* C on dan t-inople, .which dLvides.Europe from Afia. fouth-eaff of Lincoln : E. long, if, and N. lat. 530. This was the original Bofphorus;. fo called becaufe Boston, is alfo the name of the capital of New-Englandy oxen could fwim over it : And from the refemblance on a peninfula, at the bottcim of a fine bay, between it- and the {freights, of KafFa, thefe lad were fituated with fmall iflands and rocks, and defended by anciently called the Cimmerian, as the former were the covered a cadle and0 platform of guns: W. long. 710, and Thracian Bofphorus. ^ N. lat. 42 '24'. BOSQUETS, in gardening, groves fo called from-iu/It is a flourifliirig town, wherein, are ten churcl>es, cheilOy an Italian word, which fignifies a little wood. fix