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XXX (641) XXX

B O T Terms refpefting the Determination of Leaves. Fig. 118. Inflexum, upon thewhen caulistheor leaves flem. bend or arch upwards X19. EreCtumf when the leaves make a very acute angle with the caulis. 120. Patens. This term is applied to leaves which make a more obtufe angle with the caulis than the former. 121. Horizontals, when the leaves ftand at right angles with the caulis. 122. Reclinatum, or reflexum, when the leaf bends down, fo that the apex is lower than the bafe. 123. Revolutuj/i, when both iides of the leaf are rolled backwards in a fpiral form. 124. Seminale, feed-leaves, or diffimilar leaves. They are the lobes of the feed, which in many plants arife entirely out of the ground, and are always the firlt that appear above the furface. See Agriculture, p. 41. 125. Caulinum, fuch as rife immediately from the caulis or ftem, 126. Rameum, fuch as arife from a branch of the caulis. 127. FIorale, fuch as arife from the fame place with the flower. 128. Peltatum, when the petiolus is inferred, not into the edge or bafe, but into the dilk of ^he leaf. 429. PetiolatuM, when the petiolus is inferred into the margin of the bafe. o,o. SeJJile, when the leaf has no petiolus, but is immediately connedted to the caulis. 131. Decurrens, when the bafe of a fefiile (130) leaf is extended downwards along the caulis ; as in the: verbefina, carduus, 6c. 132. Aniplexicaiile, when the bale of the leaf embraces the caulis on all fides. 133. Perfoliatum, when the bafe of the leaf entirely furrounds the caulis,, fo that the caulis feems to perforate the leaf. 134. Comatum, when the oppofite leaves run into one . another, and furround the caulis, as in the eupatorium. 135. Vaginans, when the bafe of the leaf forms a cylindrical tube invefting the caulis. 136. Articulaturn, in the form of joints, /. e. when one leaf arifes from the apex of another. 137. Stellata, radiated like a ftar, i. e. when more than two leaves furround a verticillated (35) caulis. 138. Ipjiaterna, quina, fena,&jz. are fpecies of ftellated (137) leaves, when there are four, five, or fix, <bc. leaves furrounding tile caulis. 139. Oppojita, when the leaves of the caulis are exactly oppofite to one another. 140. Alterna, when the leaves rife alternately higher upon the caulis. 14r. Acerofa, linear, perfiftent leaves, as in the pinus or fir-tree, 6‘c. Yol. L No. 270.. 3.

A N Y. 641 Fig. 142. Imbricata, when the leaves reft upon one another like tiles on a roof. 143. Fafciculata, when many leaves rife from the fame point, as in the larynx. 144. Frons. This term is applied to a. fpecies of trunk, which confifts of branches and leaves, and fometimes the frudfification, all united together: It is peculiar to the Alices, or ferns, and the palmse. 145. spat hula tusn folium, is a roundifti leaf, with a narrow linear bafe. 146. Parabolicum folium, like a parabola, i. e. having its longitudinal diameter longer than the tranfverfe, and growing narrower from the bafe till it terminates in an oval figure. Terms relatingto theCaules or ftems. Plate LVII. 147. Squpmofus culmus. The culmus is a trunk or ftem peculiar to grafles ; and fquamofus culmus is a fcaly culmus. 148. Repens caulis. The caulis or ftem is a fpecies of trunk peculiar to herbaceous plants, and fupports the leaves or parts of fuaftification : Repens caulis is a ftem which gives out fmall roots on every fide, as it runs along the furface of the ground, or upon another plant. 149. Scapns, is a fpecies of trunk which fupports the parts of fructification, but has no leaves. 150. Articulatus culmus, a culmus (147) with many joints. 151. Volu.bilis caulis, a caulis (148) which runs in a fpiral form upon the trunk or branch of another plant, 6c. 152. Dtchotomus caulis, a caulis (145) uniformly dividing into branches. 153. Brachiatus caulis, a caulis having oppofite decuffating branches, refembling arms. Terms relating to the Fulcra or fupports. of Leaves. 134. a, Cirrhus, a fpiral thread which connects the plant to any other body, b, Stipules, or little fcales at the bafe of the petiolus or pedunculus. c, Glandules concaves, fmall hollow glands for fecreting a liquor. 155. a, Glandulee pedicellatez-, fmall glands, each fupported by a pedunculus. 13 d. a, Braflea, or flower-leaf, which differs in fliape from the other leaves of the plant b. 137. a, Spina Jimplex, a Ample thorn or prickle, b, Spina triplex, or three prickles proceeding from ne. Spina is applied to fuch thorns as are protruded from the wood of the plant. 138. Aculeus Jimplex. Aculeus is a prickle not protruded from the wood, but only fixed to the bark. It is faid to be ftmple, when it rifes Angle. 139. Aculeus triplex, a triple aculeus (138).. 160. Oppojita folia, or oppofite leaves, a, The axilla 4 or arm-pit. 7 Z Terms