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XXX (670) XXX

670 B R E w I N G. Method praftifed hy a Victualler, for Brewing Ale wholefome ingredient. Indeed, when the hop, in a dear or October Beer, from NettIngham. time, is adulterated with water, in which aloes, ©r. His copper holds twenty-four gallons, and the mafh- have been infufed, in order to make the old hops recover lub has room enough for four or more bulhels of malt. their bitternefs, and feem new, then they are to be lookThe firft full copper of boiling water he puts into the ed on as unwholefome; but the pure new hop, when mafh-tub, there to lie a quarter of an hour, till the properly managed, has no hurtful qualities. But if the ffeam is fo far fpent that he can fee his face in it; or, as hops are boiled in ftrong or fmall worts beyond their fine foon as the hot water is put in, throws a pail or two of and pure nature, the liquor fuffers, and will be tanged cold water into it, which will bring it at once into a tem- with a noxious tafte, both ungrateful and unwholefome per ; then he lets three bulhels of malt be run leifurely to the ftomach; and, if boiled to a very great excefs, into it, and ftirred or malhed all the while, but as little they will be apt to caufe teachings. . It is for thefe reaas can be, or no more than juft to keep the malt from lons that we advife the boiling tv/o parcels of frelh hops clotting or balling; when that is done, he puts one in each copper of ale-wort; and, if there were three for bufhel of dry malt at th<i top, to keep in the vapour or keeping beer, it would be fo much the better for the fpirit, and fo lets if ftand covered two hours, or till the tafte, health, of body, and longer prefervation of the neat copper-full of water is boiling hot, which he lades beer in a found fmooth condition. For this purpofe, over the malt or goods three hand-bowls full at a fome make a bag, like a pillowber, and boil the hops time, that are to run off at the cock or tap by a very in it half an hour; then take them out, and put in anfmall ftream before more is put on, which again muft be other bag of the like quantity of frefti hops, and boil returned into the mafti tub till it comes off exceeding them half an hour more ; by which means there is an fine ;■ for, u'nlefs the wort is clear when it goes into the opportunity of boiling both wort and hops a due time, copper, there are little hopes it will be fo in the barrel ; faving the trouble of ftraining them through a fieve, and which leifure way obliges him to be fixteen hours in fecuring the feeds of the hops at the fame time from brewing thefe four buffels of malt. Now between the mixing with the drink; afterwards they boil the fame ladings-over he puts cold warer into the copper fo be bags in the fmall beer, till the fubftance of it is got boiling hot, while the other is running off; by this means out; but obferve that the bags be made larger than hi<; copper is kept up near full, and the cock fpending to what would juft contain the hops, otherwife it will be the end of brewing his ale or fmall beer, of which only difficult to boil out their fubftance. It is true, that twenty-one gallons muft be faved of the firft wort that is here is a charge increafed by the confumption of a greater quantity of hops than ufual; but then how greatly referved in a tub, wherein four ounces of hops are put, will they anfwer the defired end of enjoying fine-palaand then it is to be fet by. For the fecond wort we will fuppofe there are twenty gallons of water in the ted wholefome drink, that, in a cheap time, will not acopper boiling hot, that muft be all laded over in the mount to much, if bought at the beft hand; and, if we fame manner as the former was, but no cold water need confider their after-ufe and benefit in fmall beer, there is here be mixed ; when half of this is run out into a tub, not any lofs at all in their quantity: But, where it can it muft be diredly put into the copper with half of the be afforded, the very fmall beer would be much improfirft wort, ftrained through the brewing-fieve as it lies on a ved if freffi hops were alfo fhifted in the boiling of this final! wooden i'oofe frame over the copper, to keep back as well as the ftronger worts. Hence may appear the thofe hops that were firft put in to, preferve it, which is hardfhips that many are under of being neceffitated to to make the firft copper twenty-one gallons ; then, upon drink of thofe brewers malt-Kquors, who, out of avarice, boil their hops to the laft, that they may not lofe its beginning to boil, he puts in a pound of hops in one any of their quinteffence. or two canvas qr other' coarfe linen bags, fomewhat the wort is cooled and put into the working-vat larger than- wi^att.'contain the hops, that an allowance or After throw frefh hops into it, and work them may be giv^^Mpi their fwell; this he boift away very withtub.thefome yeaft, at the fame time referving a few gallons briikly for-fij^pS' hour, when he takes the hops out and of raw wort to wafh the yeaft through a fieve to keep continctsToiftfig the wort by itfelf till it breaks into particles-.flu tie ragged, and then it is enough, and muft be back the hop. This is a good way where enough of hops difperted’-ihto the cooling-tubs very thin : Then put the have not been fufficiently boiled in the wort, or to pre* remainder of the firft and fecond wort together, and boil ferve it in the coolers where it is laid thick. that the-fame time, in the fame manner, and with-the When hops are dear, many ufe the feeds of worm/abie quantity of frelh hops, as the firft was. The reft wood inftead of them: Others ufe the daucus or wild* 6f the third or fmall-beer wort will be about fifteen or carrot feed that grows in 1our common fields, which many twentv gallons more or lefs, which he mixes diredly of the poor people gather and dry in their houfesf for the purpofe of felling them to the brewers : Others ufe borer with fome cold water to keep it free of excife,. and puts hound, which indeed is a fine bitter, and grows on feit into the copper as the firft liquor to begin a fecond veral commons. brewing of ale, with another four bu/hels of malt as he Hopsof our a fine grateful bitter, which makes the did before, and fo on for feveral days together if necef- drink eafyhave of digeftion; they alfo keep it from running fary ; and at laft there may be fome fmall-beer made. into fuch cohefions as would make it ropy, vapid, and The Nature and Ufe of the Hop. four; and therefore are not only of great ufe in boiled,. This vegetable was formerly thought-to be an un- but in raw. worts, to preferve them found till they can be put