Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 2.djvu/429

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Smitis Artliur. 127

( ieorgrf^ W .. 47 John, I -'7 John A., 160 Meriwether. 33 Samuel S . 175 Thomas. 3(0 Smiih. William, 127

William. King (icorge Co..

55 Smyth, Alexander. 127

Jolin F D.. 307 Sno<lgrai>. John F.. 127 Somerville. James. 349 Sparrow. Patrick J.. 208 Speece, Conrad. 247 Spencer. John. 308

Pitman C, 32^ Stanard, Robert, 65

^Villiam, 65

Stecnrod. Lewis. 127 Stephen, Adam, 130 Stephenson. James. 127 Stevens. Edward, 172 Stevenson, Andrew. 128 Stith, Uuckner, 302

John. 364 Stobo. Robf»rt, 237 Stratton, John, 128 .S;rother. Trench. 363

George F., i?8

James F., 128 Stuart, Alexander H. H., 128

Archibald, 129, 153

Ferdinand C, 286

David, 357

John, 278

W illiam, 355 Summers, Lewis, 359 Sumner, Jethro, 167 . Sumter, T om«?s. 349 Swcarvigen Thomas V. 129 Tabb, John, 33 Taiiafcro, John, 129 Tarbeli, Jo .'^^.h, ^98 Tate, Ma^^nus, 1.50 Tatham, Wiili.-iTn. 258 Taylof, Edward T.. v;o

George K , 361

John. 88. 297

Richard. 139

Robert. I ^o

Robert b!. 188

Tazewell. V**

Waller. 298

William. 130

William P.. 130

Zachary. 75 Tazewell, Henry. 34

Littleton W.. 51 Thomas. Isaac. 2<>4 ThompsiMi. Philip R., 130

Robert A.. 130 Thomson, John. 246 Thornt(»n. Anthony. 257

James B.. 237

Seth B., 300

Thomas C. 298 Todd. John. 296

Thomas. 279 Tread way. William ^L, 130 Trent. William. 2^^ Trezvant, James. 131 Trigg. Abram. 131

John. 131 Trimble. David. 298

• James. 295 Trotter, George, 297 Tucker. George, 131

Henry St. (i., 63

Nathaniel B.. 202

St. George. 34 Turbervillc. George L.. 154 Turner, Charles C, 299

Edward, 263

Nat, 299 Tyler, John, 73

John (Father), 35

John W., 253

Samuel, 190 Underwood. Joseph R., 323

William H., jjq Upshur, Abel PT 209

George P., 327

Col. Littleton, 209 Van Braam. Jacob, 235 Vawter, John, 265 Venable, Abraham B., 88 Vethake. Henry. 210 W u.'del, James, 295

Waggoner. Thomas. 242 Walke. Anthony. 3^)5 Walker, Francis. 131

Freeman. 205

Cieorge. 273

John, S/ Wallace, Caleb. 351

(justavus B., 351 Waller. John. 273 Walton. William C. 267 Warden. John. 136 Warrell, James. 281 Warrington. Lewis, 159 Warrock. John, 263 Washington. Bushrod. 83

George. 36

William. 279 \\'atkins. Samuel. 325 Waugh. Beverley. 298 Weakley, Robert. 317 Weaver. William A.. 269 Webb. Thomas T., 271 Weedon, George. 1O7 Weems. Mason L.. 260 Weightman. Roger C. 322 West. William. 254 Wetzel. Lewis. 244 Wharey. James. 322 White, Alexander, 132

Francis. 132

Thomas W.. 359 Wickham. John. 181 Wilkinson, Jesse, 267 William, Jared. 132 Williamson. Andrew, 149 Wilmer. William H., 200 Wilson. Alexander, 132

Edgar C. 132

Samuel B.. 199

Thomas. 132 Winston. Edmund, 362

Joseph. 304 Wirt, William. 336 Wise, Henry A., 56 Wood, Janie.>, 46

John, 309 W(x>dford, William, 172 Woods. William, 302 Wynn, Richard. 304 Wythe. George, 40 Zane, Col. Ebenezer, 240

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