Page:Engines and men- the history of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen. A survey of organisation of railways and railway locomotive men (IA enginesmenhistor00rayniala).pdf/17

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Synopsis of Contents
The Twentieth Century—A Veteran's Visit—American Engines—Death of Mr. Sunter—A Notable Loss—Mr. Fox Elected General Secretary—The Important Year 1903—Mr. Parfitt Appointed Organiser—Centralisation of Funds—Labour Representation—The Federation Scheme—Its History


Still Growing —The Loughor Inquiry —Coroners and Organisers—Friction with the A.S.R.S.—The 1907 Programme—Recognition Refused—Driver Webster Acquitted—The South Leeds Contests—Three Organisers —Salisbury and Grantham Disasters—A Rough Night at Barry—Driver Gourlay's Sentence


The Crisis of 1907—The Recognition Question—Mr. Bell's Attitude—The Shrewsbury Disaster—Conciliation Boards—Mr. Fox Visits America—~American Delegates to England—Brakes and Heavy Loads—A Libel Action— The Fourth Organiser—Mr. 

Moore Elected Assistant Secretary—The Osborne Judgment


"Confiscation" Boards—The First National Strike—Mr. Asquith's Threat—A Prompt Reply—Batons and Bayonets—The Royal Commission—Wages and Dividends—Two Railway disasters—The Sympathetic Strike—1912 Conference


Illness of Mr. Fox—A "Daily Express" Canard—End of a Strennuous Life—A Difficult Time—Local Strikes in 1913 —The N.U.R.—Conciliation Again—Aisgill Disaster— The Eight Hours Ballot—Mr. Bromley Elected General Secretary—A New Era Opens