Page:Engines and men- the history of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen. A survey of organisation of railways and railway locomotive men (IA enginesmenhistor00rayniala).pdf/196

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Engines and Men

railway services. Most of the trains, both for goods and passengers, have been got through, and the necessary services are well maintained.

"So far as the present information goes, considerably more than two-thirds of the railwaymen are remaining at their posts. Numerous applications are being received by the railway companies for employment. The companies report that the defections have not been in excess of expectations.

"It has not been found necessary to put in force special arrangements with regard to emergency traffic."

Referring to this statement in the course of discussion in the House of Commons, Mr. Ramsay Macdonald said: "The statements with which it opened were inaccurate; the expressions in the middle were nonsensical; and the effect in the end was simply to make the men more inclined to go on fighting."

The Joint Strike Committee saw that the Government was fighting the case for the companies, and promptly announced that all negotiations were at an end until they met the managers.

"With brief decision." wrote "P.W.W." on this point, "the entire position was abandoned by those acting for the Cabinet. A peremptory message was sent to the companies telling them that a round table conference must be conceded at once and unconditionally. As speedily, the companies on their side surrendered. At noon, and for 11 hours afterwards, the managers sat face to face with the four union representatives, assisted by Mr. Ramsay Macdonald and Mr. Arthur Henderson. Recognition, on this occasion, was won on the brink of civil war."

Recognition had been won "on that occasion," but not permanently. The settlement was signed by representatives of the Board of Trade, the companies, and the unions, at eleven o'clock on Saturday evening, August 19th. The strike was terminated at once, the strikers were to return at once, to work amicably with blacklegs, and the Conciliation Boards were to be specially convened