Page:Engines and men- the history of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen. A survey of organisation of railways and railway locomotive men (IA enginesmenhistor00rayniala).pdf/230

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Engines and Men

"Members pressing for action to be taken at once to secure increased wages or bonus to meet increased cost of living. Please press Government for immediate meeting of T.U.C. deputation. My Executive in session."

This was followed on July 22nd by the following letter:—

Dear Mr. Bowerman,

My Executive, who are now sitting, have instructed me to write you asking what information you can give them for guidance, as, having seen the Press report of the interview granted by the Prime Minister to the sub-committee from the Trade Union Congress, which appears to them to be anything but satisfactory, and having regard to the special resolution passed at the Special Congress on June 30th, to the effect that if your efforts to obtain a reduction in the cost of living were unsuccessful, all trade unions were to put in a demand for increased wages, and having a number of applications from our branches that a demand be put in for an increased war bonus, or wages, for our members, my Executive would be glad to know what your view of the position is.

Yours fraternally,
J. Bromley.

There was further correspondence on the matter, as a resolution by the 1916 A.A.D. calling for such united action had been largely instrumental in causing the Special Congress, but it was essential to act, as prices rose 6 per cent. in August alone, and at all centres meetings of protest were being held. These culminated in threats to strike in September, and at last the companies moved. The Executive moved to London, and on September 13th the sub-committee met the General Managers' Committee, reporting an offer to advance the bonus on a differentiated basis, or an advance of 2s. flat rate, when it was resolved to use every endeavour to secure flat rate, and to adhere to the demand for 10s. A further conference was held on September 14th, when the General Managers increased their offer to 3s. all round to those included in previous