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Delay With the Sliding Scale

to the E.C. of the Society in the same year. In 1914 he was elected President, and continued in office to the end of a life devoted to his colleagues. A Memorial Fund, for which Mr. Moore acted as secretary, raised over £350 very soon. Some of this was invested with the Society at 4 per cent., Mrs. Hunter receiving £l per week.

Mr. Geo. Wride was elected President for the year 1917, with Mr. Worthy Cooke as Vice-President, and Mr. Cooke took the place of Mr. Hunter on the Negotiating Sub-Committee, destined to bear all the storm of the next three vital years. On December 5th of 1916 the General Secretary had written to Mr. Thomas:—

I have to-day received a letter in which Mr. Potter says the General Managers of Railways are not prepared to recommend the matter (the suggested sliding scale). I shall be pleased to know what are your opinions of the position before pursuing the matter any further.

Permit me to congratulate you on your election to the position of General Secretary of your organisation.

Yours faithfully,
John Bromley.

No reply having been received, Mr. Bromley wired on January 1st, 1917:—

"My Executive desire to press the question of sliding scale, and will be pleased to know the decision of your Executive, with a view to joint action in the matter, as decided at our meeting November 3rd, when joint demand was agreed upon."

In reply Mr. Thomas promised to lay that telegram before his Committee "at their meeting in March next."

On January 2nd Mr. Bromley wrote again: "My Committee expressed their regret that your telegram conveys the impression that the question of the sliding scale may be deferred until your Executive Meeting in March. We are of opinion this should be dealt with at once, and we request that the N.U.R. Sub-Committee should be called to deal with it."