Page:Engines and men- the history of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen. A survey of organisation of railways and railway locomotive men (IA enginesmenhistor00rayniala).pdf/259

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A Conspicuous Victory

some excusable delay, and eventually Sir A. Stanley met the representatives of the Society on Tuesday, November 26th, at 3.30 p.m. In the discussion Sir Albert Stanley said "there is no difference between us as to the pledge that was given by me in August, 1917," and he concluded, "I think we should take a survey of the position in the country, and the appointment of a Commission or Council to take this matter up, both in respect to bonus and wages, of various grades, and if this were done at once I feel sure something would be done quickly for the men on the railways. This is what I have to offer you this afternoon." The E.C. contested this and demanded the redemption of the pledges given in August, 1917. Finally it was agreed that Mr. W. W. Cooke and Mr. Bromley, with Sir F. Marwood for the Board of Trade, should agree upon the hours worked by the various companies as their standard, and Sir A. Stanley agreed to lay these before the War Cabinet, and to let the Executive have a reply by Friday. On November 28th came the following telegram:-

"War Cabinet considered your Society's demand this morning, and have adjourned discussion until early next week. Note was taken of the pledges given in August, 1917. Meeting fixed for to-morrow now postponed until early next week.


There was more wiring, and the general election was approaching. On December 2nd this telegram came:-

"Hope it will be possible for you to arrange to postpone further meeting until first week after election. December 14th. Am leaving for Ashton to-day. Please communicate with me at Midland Hotel, Manchester.


So to Manchester Mr. Bromley wired:-

"My Executive in session unable to accept conditions of your telegram of December 2nd, and are prepared to come to Manchester immediately. Delay impossible. Please wire reply.
