Page:Engines and men- the history of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen. A survey of organisation of railways and railway locomotive men (IA enginesmenhistor00rayniala).pdf/277

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Further Advance Secured

began early in 1918 and has continued ever since. When there was serious trouble in 1917 over the eight hour day the Society had 35,000 members, but when there was serious trouble over the Mallow shooting tragedy in 1921 the Society had more than doubled that membership, a rate of growth that is perfectly amazing.

All this was accomplished as the result of intensely hard work at headquarters, and zeal all along the line. An application to the Inland Revenue Department had resulted in the increase of the abatement allowance to £2 to members on account of special occupational expenses, including £1 for overalls, and 10s, each for watch repairs and improvement classes. But that was only a preliminary and a minor consideration. On March 26th and 27th of 1918 the Executive was sitting in connection with the claim for the 12 per cent, bonus, on which question the Railway Executive was met on March 27th, April 15th and 25th, when a final settlement was arrived at. Mr. Bromley argued before the Committee that large sections of railwaymen had been granted the bonus on the ground that they were connected with the maintenance and transport of munitions, and the drivers, firemen, and cleaners were equally entitled to that benefit.

Sir Herbert Walker said the Railway Executive Committee had no powers to extend that bonus to the men in whose behalf the appeal was made, and that it could only apply to men over 21 years of age. It would be more in conformity with previous agreements if a flat rate would be agreed upon. The deputation retired to consider the matter, and returned prepared to discuss the basis of an advance in the war wage.

After discussion, it was agreed as follows:

(A) That the war wages now being paid to locomotive drivers, firemen, and cleaners be increased as under:
Male employees, 18 years and upwards, 4s. per week.
Boys under 18 years of age, 2s. per week.
(B) That these increased payments shall apply as from the first full pay week after the 25th April, 1918.
(C) That this agreement is entered into subject to an opportunity