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Unit 8

Chapter 2

I. Reading

The Premature Delight

There was once a teacher who made a meager living by teaching five pupils in a very small village. The school was located between a carpenter's shop and a blacksmith's shop. While the carpenter sawed and nailed noisily, the blacksmith's hammer against his anvil could be heard clearly in the schoolroom. Because of the noise, it was extremely difficult for the students to learn and the teacher to teach.

One day the carpenter and the blacksmith called on the teacher to announce their decision to move. The teacher was so delighted by the news that he gave a farewell party for both the blacksmith and the carpenter. During the lavish party the teacher said, "I've been wondering where the two of you are planning to move." "Oh, I'm just going to change shops with the carpenter," the blacksmith replied. "Well," the teacher said unhappily, "my hopes for peace and quiet have just gone up in smoke." The teacher, who had just lost his hopes for peace and quiet, began to lose his savings for the year, too, as the party continued on into the night.

II. Writing

Following the guidelines given below, write about what the teacher did after the party. Do not use more than 250 words.

Title: Return to Peace and Quiet
Introduction: Teacher started a store — since not many stores in the village, business good — sold food and supplies — made a lot of money
Development: Teacher decided to build a new school — quietest place in the country — bought land — most beautiful school
Conclusion: New school quiet enough — blacksmith and carpenter — far away as possible — peace and quiet became a reality.