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Unit 4

Chapter 4

II. Reading

A. Read the following selection all the way through without stopping to look up the words, or to figure out or translate sentences that are difficult to understand. The first time you read it, try to get a general idea of the content of the selection.

In a determined effort to eradicate tuberculosis, the Korean Ministry of Health and Social Affairs and the Korean National Tuberculosis Association began a TB Control Program in 1965. In five years, the rate of TB infection dropped from 5.1% to 4.2%, a tremendous achievement. The 192 health centers are staffed by TB Control, workers who supervise approximately ten village workers in each county. These village workers contact people with symptoms of TB and ask them to the county office for X-ray and sputum examinations.

Though initially the program concentrated on patient discovery, it has gradually moved towards more sophisticated aspects of TB control, including vaccination of children, health education, more effective patient treatment and follow-up of patient contacts.

B. Read the selection a second time without stopping, but this time underline words and expressions you do not understand.

C. Go back and look at each underlined word or expression and try to guess its meaning.

Try to figure out:

1) what part of speech the word is.
2) if it is basic to the meaning of the sentence or not.

D. As a last resort, look up the words that you can't figure out in your dictionary. Do not depend heavily on the dictionary; it is a limited resource.

E. Write troublesome words in your vocabulary notebook, together with the context in which they appear.

contact workers contact people with symptoms