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Though it is of the greatest importance that books upon health should be in the highest degree trustworthy, it is notorious that most of the cheap and popular kind are mere crude compiistions of incom- petent persons, aud are often misleading and injurious. Impressed by these considerations, several eminent nuidivrd find si-ir-ntifitr men of Lon- don have combined to [>rep:ire u s.<Tles of Health 1'hisiers. of n character that shall be entitled to the fullest confidence. T lie y are to be brief, sin. pie, and elementary in sis tement, filled with snl-inntial and useful information suitable for the guidance of grown-up people. Each primer will be written by a gentleman specially competent 10 treat his subject, wnile the critical supervision id' ihe i"».k* is in the bands of n committee who will act as editors.

As these little bonks are produced by English authors, they are naturally based very much upon English experience, but it mailers little whence illustrations i] such subjects are ilr.inn, because the essentia! conditions of avoiding disease and preserving health are to a great deg everywhere the same.

VOLUMES OF THE SERIES. Exercise and Training', tlllns- Alcohol : Its Use and Abuse. The House and its Surround- Premature Death: Its Promo- The Heart and ii The Hea Clothing and Dress. The Skin and its Troubles. Fatigue and Fain The Ear and Hearing. The Eye and Vision. Temperature in Health and Baths and Bathing. In srjnare lflrao volumes, elr'ih, price, ii.t cents each. For sale bi/ off bookseller*. Any valvule mailed, post-paid, /< rem in the Vailed S/,:l,:i, nr, rereipi of price.

D. APPLETON & CO., Publishe