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438 Completion of the Parthenon.

Euripides' Alcestis.

85.3 Sophocles appointed Strategus.

The prohibitions against comedy repealed.

437 Foundation of Amphipolis. Commencement of the Propylæa by Mnesicles.
85.4 Law restraining comedy.
436 Pheidias at Olympia.
86.1 Birth of Isocrates.
* Cratinus gains a victory in comedy.
434 Quarrel of Corinth and Corcyra about Epidamnos.
86.4 Alliances of Corcyra and Rhegium with Athens. Meton invents a sun-cloxk, and reforms the calendar at Athens.
432 The Chalcidice revolts from Athens. Anaxagoras prosecuted for impiety.
87.1 Siege of Potidæa by Phormion.

Preparations for war between Athens and Sparta.
Attacks on Pericles.

Death of Phidias.
431 Peloponnesian War.

Attacks on Pericles' friends and party.

Anaxagoras leaves Athens.

Hippocrates prominent.

87.2 First invasion of Attica by Peloponnesians. Euripides' Medea (third prize).

Pericles' funeral oration.

430 The plague at Athens.

Second invasion.

Attacks of Hermippus (the comic poet) on Pericles.
87.3 Deposing and reinstatement of Pericles.

Athenian mission to Susa.