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88.4 Capture of the Spartans at Sphakteria.

Raising of the Attic tribute.
Massacres at Corcyra.
Operations of the Attic fleet in Sicily.

424 Nikias ravages the Laconian coast. Aristophanes' Knights (first prize).
89.1 Attack on Bœotia. Defeat of the Athenians at Delium.

Brasidas in the Chalcidice. He takes Amphipolis, but Thucydides saves Eion.

Polycleitus famous.
423 Continued campaign by Brasidas. Aristophanes' Clouds (first ed.) defeated by Cratinus' Wine Flask.
422 Phæax sent as ambassador from Athens to Sicily. Aristophanes' Wasps (first prize).
89.3 Campaign of Cleon to Thrace. His defeat and death by Brasidas, who is also killed.

Proposals of peace.

Death of Cratinus.

Second ed. of Aristophanes' Clouds.
Parrhasius, painter.

421 Peace of Nikias. Aristophanes' Peace.
89.4 The Athenians capture Skione. Eupolis active as a comic writer.
420 Anti-Laconian alliance in Peloponnesus. Activity of Alkibiades.
90.1 Sparta excluded from Olympic games. Victories of Alkibiades at Olympia. Euripides' Supplices.
419 War between Argos and Epidaurus. About this time the Ion and Andromache.
90.2 Timanthes, painter.
418 Campaign of Agis against Argos.

Birth of Epaminondas.

90.3 Agis conquers the allies at the battle of Mantinea.

Treaty between Argos and Sparta.

Perhaps the Heracleidæ appeared at this time.