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412 War on the coast of Ionia. Euripides' Andromeda and Helena.
92.1 Peisander and the Attic oligarchs in the camp at Samos. Aristophanes' Lysistrate.
411 Antiphon and Theramenes bring about the revolution of the 400 at Athens.

Resistance of the army at Samos.

Lysias returns to Athens.

Aristophanes' Thesmophoriazusæ.

92.2 Deposition of the 400, and constitutional changes.

Alkibiades recalled.
Defeat of Mindarus by Thrasybulus.

Execution of the orator Antiphon. [Here the history of Thucydides breaks off.]
410 Victory of the Athenians at Kyzikus.

Kleophon prominent.
Evagoras king of Cyprus.

Prosecution of Diagoras of Melos for impiety. [Perhaps a few years sooner, but certainly not in 468 B.C., as Suidas states, and Clinton supports.]
92.3 Campaigns of Alkibiades in the Hellespont.
409 Re-establishment of the tribute.

The younger Cyrus comes to Asia Minor.

Aristophanes' Plutus.
92.4 Alkibiades returns in state to Athens. Sophocles' Philoctetes.
408 Lysander appointed Spartan admiral. Euripides Orestes, possibly also Electra.
407 Antiochus defeated at Notium.

Konon replaces Alkibiades as Athenian admiral.

Commission of Euripides' Bacchæ and Iphigenia in Aulis.
406 Kallikratidas, Spartan admiral, blockades Konon at Mitylene. Euripides dies at Pella.
93.3 Victory of Athenians at Arginusæ and death of Kallicratidas.

Kleophon defeats the Spartan proposals for peace.

Death of Sophocles.